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I'm a bit confused on the two Pentium 4 2.4Ghz Northwoods - A and B. I need help identifying the differences between the two. I think one runs at a 100fsb(Pentium A) and the other runs on 133fsb(Pentium B). The 2.4Ghz prescott and the 2.4Ghz HT types are easy enough to identify.


When looking at my CPU-Z ID program what am I to look for to see the difference between the Pent.4 2.4Ghz(A)? and the Pent. 2.4Ghz (B)? to properly submit my scores in the correct category.


I also have the ability to look on the cores itself, but the core is currently being benched.

The top line on the core I vaguely remember looked like in this format 2.40GHZ/512/xxx/x.xx v


Thank you and best regards 1Badmojoe

  • Crew

In fact, not exactly. In these days Intel's "A" was to differ the old version from the new one. And in the case of 2.4 - the usual one was Northwood 100FSB, the "A" - was the Prescott core and 133FSB. The "B" was indeed the Northwood FSB133. The "C" version - the Northwood 200FSB.

The Northwoods with low frequency all were "A" versions - 1.4A, 1.6A, 1.8A, 2.0A - because the regular one is the old Willamette core. On higher frequencies the Northwood became the regular core, so the A marking usually was given to the Prescott 133FSB, new core. The B usually - for Northwood 133FSB, the C - for Northwood 200FSB, E - for the Prescott 200FSB. But not all of them could exist - for example, there is no 2.4E, but if we take the 2.8 then there's the full list - the regular one, the A, the B, the C, the E.


The next fun is with the HT technology. Within 133FSB Northwoods only one, the 3066 had it. The reason is because it was the top one and this feature was introduced with this processor. Not all of the 200FSB Northwoods support HT - check processorfinder. The processorfinder claims, there is one FSB133 Prescott - I don't believe it and HWBot database doesn't confirm the availibility. Looks like all 200FSB Prescott have HT though Intel says not.

  • Crew

Yep :)

Maybe change the name of the category 2.4A to 2.4 and vice versa? Pentium 4 2.4Ghz A Northwood - the A was a Prescott as I've mentioned. And the regular 2.4 was the Northwood. So move the letter if it's not difficult.

And how about making a cleanup here http://hwbot.org/browseHardwareProcessors.do?cpuSubFamilyId=16 since a discussion is being started? You can remove the word s478 from the model name - cause they all are. Then you can name the Northwoods up to 2GHz as "A" models in case if they have a older Willamette alternative.


The name "Pentium 4 2.266Ghz" should be changed to "Pentium 4 2.26Ghz" - usually two digits are used after the point. Like the 3.06 and 2.66 models.

The same applies to "Pentium 4 2.533Ghz"


The models 2.2 and 2.26 should be changed in rows as 2.26 has higher frequency.

The same for 2.5 and 2.53 - the last has higher frequency but is before 2.5.

The 2.66 should be after all the 2.6

IMHO, the 2.8 group should be as follows - the old one, regular Northwood. Then the A, B, C, E. The oldest - the first, then the newer. The same for 2.4 - the regular Northwood should be first followed by 2.4A Prescott.

The 3.06 should be after 3.0. I would put EE in the end after Northwood and Prescott - they were the latest and fastest.


And yes - is there an evidence of 3.6 existense? Maybe delete it until one appers? No sign on CPU-world or Intel website.

P.S. I would appreciate if "Ghz" would be changed to "GHz".


Thank you for attention :D

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