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hwbot is starting manual cleaning of the entries. Biggest problems are bad or missing verification links, missing CF/SLI checks and incorrect hw matching. This result moderation will be done in a hierarchial fashion with halls of fame having highest priority and other results getting cleaning less regularly. We always check a result if someone asks for it with the 'report suspicious entry' link. We try to fix the faulty entries if possible. Blocking is the last resort.


As it happens, the better a result is, the bigger chance it has to get inspected and modified. Please understand that if an entry gets blocked it very very rarely if ever means it was considered a fake by a hwbot moderator. The most common reason for blocking is a malfunctioning or missing verification link.


hwbot usually accepts (welcomes :D) results done with unreleased prototype hw. Please include a screenshot verification with such submissions as e.g. ORB entries may get removed.


If you have replied to an hwbot topic, and wish to alter or delete your result afterwards, you have two options:

- modify your old forum post: either correct the mistake, or remove the

"); var _hwbcss = "http://hwbot.org/css/style.external.custom.css"; var _hwb = _hwb || []; _hwb.push(['type= score - system ']); _hwb.push(['params=%2$s']); _hwb.push([_hwbtarget]); (function() { var hwbex = document.createElement('script'); hwbex.type = 'text/javascript'; hwbex.async = true; hwbex.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://') + 'hwbot.org/js/exf2.js'; var s = document.getElementById(_hwbtarget); s.parentNode.insertBefore(hwbex, s); })(); tag from the post to get the result deleted. Than, go to the first page of the topic, and click the 'update ranking now' link in the first post. This will redirect you to a page which gives you the choice to update the last page of the ranking, or the whole topic. Choose whole topic. Your result will be modified or deleted after the scan is completed.

- create an account at http://www.hwbot.org. After registering, click 'my fora'. Authenticate at the fora where you have submitted results. After you have authenticated a certain login and password, all recorded and future entries of this user will be coupled to your hwbot login. Click 'my results' to view a list and edit the results.


If an hwbot moderator has modified your entry, usually the second option above is the only way for yourself to further alter it.


This forum section provides info on hwbot result moderation. Any questions, comments and ideas regarding this are also welcome.

  • 2 months later...

hi there i think with the top lets say 20 results in 3d01 we should include whether lod has been used as on a 60,000 score on 3d01 it can make 1000-1500 points difference its easily spotted as with a 65000 score nature is generally 500 and odd fps and with lod it can be 800-900fps , just an observation so people get an accurate account of score

hi there i think with the top lets say 20 results in 3d01 we should include whether lod has been used as on a 60,000 score on 3d01 it can make 1000-1500 points difference its easily spotted as with a 65000 score nature is generally 500 and odd fps and with lod it can be 800-900fps , just an observation so people get an accurate account of score

Well, since LOD can be used by ATI and NVIDIA cards, it's no longer considered as a cheat (ATI benchers referred to LOD before they could use it).


Like you said, almost all the top scores are with lod.

  • 1 year later...

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