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Everything posted by T.Rex

  1. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    shipping from denmark to us is too expensive
  2. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    classy added
  3. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    added hydro copper , and price drop
  4. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    more hw added
  5. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    new stuff add
  6. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    strong bundle added
  7. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    nice rex bundle added
  8. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    you got pm
  9. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    its yours
  10. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    I can not delete the asus r3e picture from the thread ?? so its not a mistake
  11. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    oh then its maybe not a dead lcd
  12. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    new stuff add
  13. I keep the last board for now,please close,thanks
  14. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    its yours
  15. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    I dont think,but maybe on one of my ssd,I will look when I got time for it
  16. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

    in a few days I have a rex ready with e8600 Q822A435 and 2x2 gb gt2000c8 at 1020mhz 6-7-5-20-4-60-8-6-18-1t at 2.05v air spi 32m
  17. T.Rex

    FS/EU nice old hw

  18. Hi guys I have some old hw for sale,from denmark. all is testet working and cleaning payment: only bank transfer I do not ship to china,sorry 1. asus m7f with a 4690k 80euro 2. gtx 680 lightning asic 72.1 60euro 4. gtx 275 soc 1.75gb mem 60euro 5. gtx 970 4gb NOT WORKING 5euro 7. evga gtx 780ti classyfied by ek asic 75.9 110euro 8. evga gtx 570 classyfied asic 71.6 70euro
  19. you got pm for adata 2200+trible kit,4x gtx7 and 2x pi2200c7 regards carsten
  20. cant delete pics of msi
  21. okay,I give you pm
  22. Hi guys,I have some boards I dont use,they are all clean,well the asus p5e64 ws evo is painted with clear protection paint,but never seen cold as the other ones. All is testet working with pics 1.asus maximus extreme SOLD 2.asus p5e3 wifi premium SOLD 3.asus p5e64 ws evolution 55euro 4.dfi lanparty dk.p45-t2rs plus SOLD
  23. damn ,sorry guys I do not get any notification on mail from my thread only pm gets to my mail.
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