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Everything posted by T.Rex

  1. T.Rex

    980X or 990X....

    LOL its only because I had a hard time to find this x58 hw and I normaly only use it to net :-)
  2. T.Rex

    980X or 990X....

    I am a pussy I will not kill it so its only 3.6g at stok volt :-) 24/7
  3. your right,here I have no space its hw all over :-) but very nice build you have
  4. LOL you are seriously a crasy man :-D
  5. T.Rex

    980X or 990X....

    its costum water with mora radiator :-) cinebench r11.5 will do 4291mhz 1.27v on my home pc :-) stok volt 1.17
  6. wow you have a lot of hw :-) but I have always been a asus boy,I only buy the gigabyte because its almost gone all over the world
  7. T.Rex

    980X or 990X....

    I have it in my asus r3e right now,so can try cinebench if you like
  8. I have both here in denmark gigabyte and asus,buuut its not some cheap boards you are looking for I must say :-) oh I also have asus III black :-)
  9. T.Rex

    980X or 990X....

    I have 2 980x here in denmark,but dont know about oc,I have only used one on water and it did 4.6 ghz 1.27v wprime 1024m the one time I try,its all I know :-)
  10. du er for vild min ven tillykke med 1 pladsen
  11. no gpu limit (x2 ) ? and is it allowed with 2-3-4 series geforce ? :-D
  12. yes I know but I have no time to find the issue because this gtx295 behave like a bitch :-)
  13. T.Rex

    Abit AN8 Ultra 939

    do you only ship to uk
  14. aaarrrhh did not know evga had a eu shop :-D so I got one now :-)
  15. hi I cant buy this board from evga when im from denmark,so maybe someone here have one at home for sale :-) best regards carsten
  16. I have 6 rex and only one was sold as defekt but wasent and I pay 60 euro,all other 5 rex was like 200-240 usd its not a cheap board for sure
  17. its 800 swedish money. = 1o8.30 usd
  18. godt gået mn ven :-) ved der ik har været medvind hele tiden :-D men sygt kort må jeg sige
  19. yes in bios 1.735v real 1.698v
  20. is it dangerous to go past 1.7v qpi/dram ?
  21. yes I have to bench ln2 on this killer chip :-D
  22. LOL ja der er dømt våde øjne i jylland,nu må vi se om den w3520 han sendte mig også rykker,det samme batch :-)
  23. I hit my nb wall here with 5693mhz 1.7v at 274bclk it was 5709mhz and crash :-)
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