What's the deal, ASUS has an OCing competition and there's like almost zero coverage of it?
Spent a couple hours trying to figure this out today. Finally got it installing using the Z77 6.0Gb/s sata plugs. All the other ports gave the 7B error.
It might be longer then you're use to, but it's my first video project. Don't hate to much
EDIT: Fixed resolution and made as single video instead of four.
Took forever to upload, but here are the pictures from the event and OC workshop the day after. Video is almost done. Coming soon.
EDIT: Updated OCTV's aftermovie to their coverage links as well.
Think I got everything updated. Added OCTV's trailer to the OP as well.
Instead of added an additional stream to the mix, OCN is teaming in with OCTV's live stream.