Hi everyone,
I'm from Australia and have got a Z170X SOC Force Board and have read through all your posts about your Z170 SOC Force and how you overclocked memory on it. I'm new to overclocking and still learning how to overclock ram.
I was wondering if I could please get your help on a problem I'm having.
I have the following memory installed :
G.Skill Ripjaws V - 16GB (4x4GB) -3600Mhz DDR4 Part No : F4-3600C17Q-16GVK
The XMP factory timings are 17-18-18-38-2T - 1.35 volts.
For some reason I just can't seem to get the CAS Latency any lower than 16, when I have the Command Rate set at 1T.
No matter how much voltage I give it, it just will not train the memory and boot successfully.
I have gone as high as 1.9 volt for the DRAM voltage and the DRAM Training Voltage and as high as 1.45volt on both the VCCIO and SA Voltages and it just fails to boot if I have 15 as my CAS in the primary timings and command rate set to 1T.
So far when I have overclocked my memory, I have only changed the primary timings and set the command rate to 1T. All the other timings I have left at AUTO for now.
What am I missing or doing wrong, that I cannot have my primary CAS at 15 or lower and my command rate at 1T? I have seen so many others have the same G.skill memory at a CAS Latency of like 12 or 13 and their command rate is at 1T. So why doesn't it do it on this board. I am running the latest BIOS of F6h.
So far these are the settings I alter in the bios when I overclock memory :
Dram Voltage
Dram Training Voltage
VCCIO Voltage
SA Voltage
and then the primary timings and the Command Rate.
I haven't touched any other secondary or tertiary timings yet.
If you could please let me know how I can get my CAS Latency at 15 or lower and still have a Command Rate of 1T, it would be greatly appreciated.
The full specs of my system are as follows :
I7-6700k cpu
Z170x SOC Force board
16GB - G.Skill Ripjaws V 3600MHZ
3 x Samsung 950 Pro NVME SSD drives
4 x Asus 980TI Poseidon GPU in 4-way SLI
Corsair Ax-1500 Watt Power Supply
Corsair 110i GTX AIO CPU Cooler
Look forward to your reply.
Thanking you in advance.