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Everything posted by kow_ciller

  1. REX is sold. Sold in about two hours so the price was prob a bit low
  2. REX added
  3. pricedrops
  4. Shipping them to argentina would be around $40.
  5. fans+ other stuff added
  6. Sorry, only selling as a set
  7. FS: 2x4gb Team Xtreem (Samsung HCH9) *Stock 9-11-11@240mhz. Have not had time to properly test this memory. Current gigabyte board hates everything but budget ram. Price: $120-shipped FS: 4x2gb ADATA Extreme 2000mhz (PSC IC) *Stock 9-9-9@2000mhz. Good set, although not my best so they need to go. Only tested with 4x sticks. Likely to clock better in two-stick sets. Price: $90-shipped-Pending payment FS: 3x 120mm San Ace 25 Fans *3x San Ace 25mm thick fans. Very good on rads. Comes bare cables only. Very hard to find Price: $40-shipped for all 3 FS: 3x 120mm Delta fans *3x Delta fans. 2x are 25mm thick fans and one is a 38mm thick fan. 25mm fans are 150cfm versions and 38mm fan is 252cfm version. Frozen cpu wants $100+shipping for all three Price: $65-shipped for 3 SOLD: FS: 2x2gb ADATA Gaming series (BBSE IC) *Stock 9-9-9@220mhz. Best set of BBSE I've ever owned. 6-9-5@2200mhz stock voltage. Got this set directly from ADATA in Taiwan. have not tested on cold. Price: $120-shipped -SOLD on OCN FS: 3x2gb Supertalent 2200mhz (Hyper IC) *Stock 8-8-8@2200mhz 1.65v. Good sticks, works best on X58,AM3 and 775. Price: $85-shipped -SOLD FS: Asus Rampage Extreme motherboard *Board comes with air heatsinks+backplate+LCD screen (not pictured). Price: $250-shipped -SOLD on ocn FS: 4x Corsair Fans *2x High performance fans and 2x quiet fans. Price: $50-shipped for 4x fans -SOLD FS: 1500w EVGA Supernova PSU *Unit was reviewed by Bobnova for OCF. Unit comes full-retail. Hell of a PSU. Likely no warranty but unit should last pretty much forever. Newegg wants $420. Price: $290-shipped-Keeping FS: Asus Maximus IV-Z Gene *Board+ bluetooth adapter only (might be able to include IO plate later if I get it back from the seller). Got the board in a trade and should have tons of warranty left. Price: $125-shipped -SOLD Heatware under kow_ciller (121-0) Payment options: *Paypal *money order *personal check (will ship after it clears) Shipping: *Shipping included unless noted *PM for international shipping quotes
  8. If you could add the new Radeon HD 7750 and 7770 cards that would be great. Thanks
  9. So with that, would something like a livestream showing his daughter benching be sufficient proof? (just for future reference if someone has a friend or relative start benching)
  10. Actually, there is a way to prove that hardware is separate. According to the hwbot rules, if pictures including the serial numbers are included in the submissions they're supposed to be legal. If you could take pictures of the serial number on the card while benching that MIGHT work. But im not sure if that is sufficient for Massman (even though its in the rules...) For future reference massman, you might want to add something in the rules that makes multiple accounts using the same hardware (while in the same household,etc.) illegal. Otherwise they didn't break any rule in place and its just the bot making up rulings for rules whenever it feels like it and theres nothing set in place.
  11. How about, she generates points for the team but they dont submit the same hardware? Eg: he submits a 920 score, she submits scores for a 950 or 960 instead? On a side note, Maybe you should edit the rules and not make things up as you go along.
  12. So, being a law student and all, I thought I'd give you a little heads up massman As far as the hwbot rules, this is the closest thing that comes to what happened with them. In fact, the hwbot rules explicitly state that what they have done is in fact legal, provided they give proof that they are indeed not benching the same hardware. According to that statute of the hwbot rules, if Dejo provides pictures that the submissions are in fact not using the same hardware, and proof that his daughter is indeed the one who is benching. The argument of it being against the rules is completely null and void. Given the argument of it being "perception" perhaps you should take a look at the rankings of the i7 950. Is it any coincidence that most of the top people on the ranking for the chip all have identical clocks and spi32m times?
  13. You want to see confusion and suspicious scores huh? How about this? http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/core_i7_950?tab=2drankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=7&manufacturer=intel&hardwareTypeId=CPU_1875&hardwareType=CPU&tabid=cpubenchmarks If that isn't suspicious, I sure as hell dont know what is. As to Dejo and his Daughter, I know it looks suspicious but these two have separate hardware. Perhaps they need to post pictures of the hardware right next to eachother for every submission to show they aren't the same person. To make this issue less of an issue, it might be wise for each of them to bench separate hardware. IE: if Dejo has a gtx480, his daughter benches a 470, etc.
  14. The following submissions were blocked http://hwbot.org/community/submission/956969_kow_ciller_3dmark06_radeon_x1200_rs690m_308_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/952314_kow_ciller_3dmark03_radeon_x1200_rs690m_1613_marks http://hwbot.org/community/submission/954578_kow_ciller_3dmark2001_se_radeon_x1200_rs690m_4868_marks These scores were MONTHS and months old. Whats with this guy blocking them when nobody else on the ranking has any of the supposed info as well? Is it me or is this guy seriously nitpicking because his scores are lower than everyone else? There are 34754389754837509745 other submissions on this site that dont have 100% of all the information yet stay on. http://hwbot.org/community/user/sweet Was who removed them.
  15. Link doesn't work
  16. If you have so much proof, why not throw it out there and let the chips fall where they may? It just seems like all this "proof" isn't really concrete evidence and simply what a couple of people say as rumors.
  17. To everyone that says that small teams cant compete. All I can say is Team Katana. Seriously, 8 guys and they're in 18th place on hwbot. Maybe teams should stop pissing and moaning and bench more. @ chew* Thats what paint is for, and that's what concealing someones identity is for. Out with the proof or shut up.
  18. Thats not what her facebook says >______>
  19. If this is indeed the future of hwbot, whats the point of teams then? Wouldn't everyone make their own person team with one person? It would just break the reason for having a TEAM. People wouldn't share secrets with their teammates anymore so they can stay at the top of the team ranking, etc. And this splitting individuals up into three leagues is kind of stupid. Split it into pro/ amateur and be done with it. Whats the point of splitting it into cooling as well? I know for one I was EXTREMELY satisfied when I would go out there and beat someone that was running dice or ln2 when I was on air. Maybe all the people running their 4.0ghz 24/7 clocks and benching should stop pissing and moaning that others are beating them and actually put time and effort into benching. I sure dont mind splitting the "pros" from everyone else, but splitting things three ways just adds to much confusion and makes things too easy for some people. Next thing its going to be splitting it into stock/ overclocked ambient leagues. Give me a break.
  20. Eh, some people get free hardware because they own a website and do reviews without being a "pro". IMO, if you get free hardware and aren't a "pro" you must provide links to reviews of the hardware or some other way of doing things like that.
  21. The heavily sponsored guys need to be listed and marked in a separate division. As many have already stated, its pretty easy to figure out who gets parts for free and gets a chance to bin hardware. If someone works for a company or has the ability to bin components at the factory they should really be put in a separate league. Sure there isn't a way to be 100% certain that people wont cheat, its the exact same way that there is an honor system now to some extent and rules are broken now. It wont ever be 100% that people wont use ES processors/ video cards/ motherboards, but then again people share chips/ video cards going against the rules as it is now. The bottom line is that hwbot needs to lay down the law with the manufactures. If they say "hey, we wont put up with your cheating bullshit" its less likely that they will break the rules for a little gain of saying they're at the top for a short while. If a company is caught aiding a cheater it could end up being a big PR problem amongst overclockers. It would be nice to see people not trying to find loopholes, but obviously that wont happen as long as there are people participating.
  22. nice score sam. Must be some cheats to beat my P4 laptop
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