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Everything posted by 7ornado

  1. did you encounter any cold bug problem with your vga? vga sub zero?
  2. wait till i'm gonna push mine under ln2 again
  3. here I am again. Show me another nice backup pretty boy...
  4. thnaks guys, but it's nothing special...just 4890 rough power imagine what can they do @ about 1200 @ ln2...
  5. fluck...now in a bench people could also be mobo limited, cpus were not enough...it's really a joke...LOL
  6. go buy some skill mate, I've already pwned you with this one. if you want I can go for 1300/1250
  7. oh really? anyway it's a damn good vga. on the way for 1300/12xx
  8. here u are: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=228334&highlight=4890+bios+fix&page=13
  9. really strange...I've managed to overcome that problem with the famous bios fix from xs...maybe it's not the same you used...
  10. is it the one that increase gpu voltage? over 1066mhz gpu did you have the problem of istant crash even in 2d?
  11. congrats man, TANTA ROBA!
  12. WTFLOL i'd like to know if it's just a retail pick at random from a shop/reseller...
  13. so fakes and cheat are not human fault? so what? they're human fault just like leave free access to a team then tell to the cheater "i'm sorry for what happened but i'm forced to ban you". forced? sorry? are we kidding or what? shouldn't iron have reported it? why? where the hell were all the other italian teams? why nobody except iron has noticed this epic fail by team hwforest/laurus/liquidcooling? or maybe somebody else noticed but it was better not to report? you say peace&close...yeah, really simple and fast solution
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