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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. HWBOT request to me and Gnidaol to prove our results???...and if we do not proved in Live Stream told us that it was be removed??? If we could not be able to do the scores again? Don't you think you are using two different ways to solve the same case? Massman told is 2 different sizes....and i strongly not agree...because our moral worth many more than a trip to Taiwan. If we had not achieved the results, we would be considered cheaters, and our moral worth much more than the results, or a trip to Taiwan. Se we were required to prove our results to MOA ... with much less evidences. We had different SOs, different validation Key, different BIOS, different subtimings (with a same board), different SSDs, and even to prove was needed. Sorry, but who was hurt, was me and Gnidaol ... nobody was under our skins, and only we know what we go through. Now ... if you ask me if I think the I will reply: No. .. since one can not prove ever, there is not a rule...the rule serves only to prevent but not to ban... HWBOT can ask to be mandatory to prove the result in some way (videos, pics... I don't know) ... Than worth a rule that you can not prove?? If Hardware Sharing can not be proved ever...is completelly an useless rule IMHO - Hardware Sharing - useless - what is the difference in terms of knowledge and quality from an overclocker? What is the difference if he bought, earned, borrowed or binned? The way the rules are today much favor those who have more money and conditions to buy more pc parts. The rule of Hardware Sharing only protects them ... because people who have few conditions often could break records if they could borrow parts from their friends. One more time...I consider is not a Hwbot fault...but I think is almost impossible to manage and create rules to fix all issues, but I think is time to think about it.
  2. I believe the HWBOT has increasingly improved way to verify the results. I know it's impossible to have rules that will be fair 100% to everyone, but something must be done to respect that. Any guy knows that it is very easy to get the results from another...is just to change important things like BCLK, Ratio, timings, background and so on. It is impossible to prove whether a processor is borrowed, or was used the same hardware. You can create a rule only to inhibit, but not for ensure. If I borrow a gold processor for a friend, it is impossible to be discovered ... and this applies to the rules of 2D. Tell me ... if I lend a processor for a friend ... a 6900 MHz chip;;;, and my friend get 6950 MHz;;, he does not deserve the credit??....and if he get 6850 Mhz... he does not deserve the credit? Does the problem is the hardware sharing or screenshot sharing? Why some people can not afford, or can not binned, or can not find a gold CPU or VGA, mean he did not deserve to be on the top....even if is a great overclock with a great knowledge? It is really very difficult and almost impossible to prove ... but evidence of Slamms are actually very strong. ATM to be in the top, did not mean that is a top overclocker...but for sure to have the best PC parts. Only my 2 cents...
  3. I will ask Cleiton to resize the pics... Thanks for all
  4. I am sure Hwbot will not ignore... Only with exemplary punishment can moralize .... obviously if applicable punishment
  5. Schenckel bros are not only excellent overclockers, but also exceptional photographers
  6. Thanks friends... We will do at least one event like this per month...more if is possible, This really are improving the level of brazilian overclockers. Today we just have top dogs like Schenckel Bros and Gnidaol everytime with us.
  7. to give more pression to dry ice can help to down the temperatures
  8. Easy and clear... This work for us: To sum up: - one desk - two OC systems with components they used for the scores - 5500 3930K - 1200C9 memory - 7970 lightning 1650/1860 (+/_ 25mhz range) - same SSDs Validation process: - start livestream with both systems mounted, but not turned on - first bootup at superzero temperatures to show active systems - prepare systems to bench (drop temperatures etc) - start run 5500/1200/1650/1860 (+/_ 25mhz range) simultaneously when finished: - make screenshot - save validation file - upload validation file instantly - zoom in on screen to show score Note: - screenshot must contain notepad with nickname, gpuz, cpuz cpu/mb/mem, 3dmark11 score (like MOA submission) - user must move 3dmark11 window to show it's active - the idea is that both participants get a similar score as they got in the competition on two separate systems, each doing their own overclocking and run simultaneously. So...adjust parameters to MAD222 and John Lam Play in GB boards... And reach scores good enough to prove there are 2 systems that can play simultaneous... For us, the moral and the ethic required to play to times... For us, they tell about to be 99,99% obvious (is what all complainers told about me and gnidaol).... and was needed to prove... And now??? how much percent obvious??? In my point of view, is not hard to HK guys play in a Live and show is possible...then...clear for all. You did not see I tell thet are guilty, because they have 0,01% ... but when lots of guys accuse me and Iuri, it was required. Sorry again the bad english
  9. I believe MANY MORE AND BIGGEST problem to me, was not the PRIZE...and my name...my moral....my ethic. Not the prize.... plus, I consider Hwbot more important than a free trip to Taiwan. Further, I am going to Taiwan to an overclocking competition...not to Vacations... Brazil to Taiwan to compete = more time inside aircraft than in Tw ... lol
  10. Friends from Hwbot!!! I can not agree what you show us!!! "John Lam mentioned he uploaded the wrong score because they got mixed up". Since me and Gnidaol was required to prove in a live stream (AND WE HAVE DIFFERENT SO, DIFFERENT BOARDS, DIFFERENT TIMINGS, DIFFERENT VGA CLOCKS, DIFFERENT BIOS, DIFFERENT SSD, DIFFERENT VALIDATION KEYS, AND SO ON)... Plus... Even was mandatory for us to use tha same background and hardware...what force to be many more similar Plus If we coud not reach results today we were cheaters Plus LN2 and hardware is many more expensive Sorry to tell you... one size to all;;; I see no difference to require to do the same in a Live Stream. Please attempt I did not accuse MAD but same people request from Gnidaol, can be fit to John Lam. Thanks
  11. Different way to different people... I remember few days ago... when me and Gnidaol hold a place to the MOA finals... With NO ONE proof, El Gappo bring public insinuations and accused me and Iuri...lots and lots of false insinuations... After about hundred of false accusations and false insinuations without no one proof, Hwbot told us that was necessary (mandatory) to prove we were not guilty (in no one place in the world, people need to prove that have no guilty... BUT is necessary to prove the guilty to make accusations)... So... We feel sad and worry about 3 days (we lose's the mother's day in Brazil...feeling sad because we could lose our well deserved place to MOA)... We spent LN2 (very expensive here) and one more day (we need to bench in Live Stream TO PROVE we were not guilty)... And more...was needed to win MOA 2 times to can go to Taiwan... "Question" If one of our videocards was death, or our system was not able to get the scores to win the second time???. Today... we were be consider as cheaters (El Gappo... I hope it did learn you some good things). Only to remember: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=173706&postcount=286 I understand, after El Gappo complaining and his followers, a tempest of false accusations, Hwbot require for us to be benched again with lots of risk to lose our place in the finals... with much less evidence (I understand, but still not agreed) And now???? What will be the decision after this evidences? Looking forward to see the decision. (I really consider Mad222 a great overclocker and very good people, but unfortunately looks for Slamms have full reason) Thanks Slamms
  12. Another funny overclocking event in Brazil. About 20 hours benching....live stream sessions... and lots and lots of knowledge sharing... Pics: We have been joining the overclocking community in Brazil to lots of events. I think this is the best way to show how funny it can be. Thanks for Corsair and X5... and sure, to my friends Gnidaol Jacson Cleiton Paulo11 Joe90Br Rafael Eraldo Hugo Carlos Darkvenom Reverton And all overclockers that follow the live stream with us. Best regards...see you in the next
  13. I did try without www. but still not works How can I proceed?
  14. Everytime I try to validate result, using the validation URL, I got this message: Failed to convert property value of type java.lang.String to required type java.math.BigDecimal for property gpumemoc; nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: Unable to convert value "18--" from type java.lang.String to type java.math.BigDecimal; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException Validation error: A valid futuremark compare url is required if want to reach the 3DMark05 Hall Of fame. As only 12.0 benchmark scores are better than you, you need to provide additional verification. We made a Live event, with Live Stream, and we did try to validate the results, but was impossible for today. One more nice event here. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.472981216053507.112304.100000248990657&type=1 Thanks in advance
  15. We got a new GTX 680 WR at 3DMark05, but unfortunately, I can not validate. Thats the HWbotr message: Validation error: A valid futuremark compare url is required if want to reach the 3DMark05 Hall Of fame. As only 12.0 benchmark scores are better than you, you need to provide additional verification. That's the link (url Required) http://www.3dmark.com/3dm05/5460327 That's the result Thanks in advance
  16. Post here and inform. http://hwbot.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=20
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