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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. I completely agreed Slamms. Is a very bad attitude to share something from another... I think is not bad attitude to ask, but to share what is not from yourself. Thumbs down
  2. What temp are you using... Here same happens at 1.65V...so...I need to set a profile and use after working This is the only way to fix this issue here
  3. OMG.... STOP TO KILL YOUR CHIP WITH WPRIME...lol.... go to 3D Great job friend
  4. So will be: 3 Americas 5 EMEA 5 APAC 3 Lords 16 x 2 = 32 competitors at finals, Taiwan. I think will be this way.
  5. @vivi Crossing my fingers to you,..to find a 7100 Mhz chip... (I think 7 Ghz is just fine)...
  6. I think sometimes rules can be adjusted, Not about MOA...but for example..to be allowed share CPU to 3Dmark05 and 3Dmark06 can be not a good idea
  7. Almost sure Perica will be in the finals top 5 Great job and sicky card
  8. Just waiting.... dinos22 I really hope we can have GOOC again...but we have no 2011 and still not 2012.
  9. To me... Is the biggest Worldwide Overclocking Competition actually. Sure is not easy to keep this kind of competition...and they just cut regional events (now, is online and final). I think people complaining about rules can not help MOA to keep alive...I can understand the dificulties to compete in lots of countries (Brazil is one)...but...better to have MOA that do not have. For example... GOOC that we just lose. Keep MOA alive 4 ever
  10. Last year...for the qualification MOA Vegas...I though as good way... 5 stages x 2 people IGP AMD VGA Nvidia Videocard Spi more chance and more participation...since there was a plenty of diferent hardware to compete.
  11. At least the owner can be the first to bench...so...after try and try the best...if MB still alive...share the MB is a good idea. Please MSI...turn easy to find these MBs...lol
  12. Lots of great overclockers at EMEA. Best wishes and looking forward for monster scores
  13. I've been this post, now, after everything has been cleared, make a few important comments that I think may be important for the future of the community, and even, to next events (can be MOA). Gnidaol and I, were in a fantastic event, 2000 km from home, where we were to make presentations and teach people about overclocking. It was a Friday, we were happy with the certainty that we have achieved a place in the MOA final. The post of El Gappo, followed by lots of bad insinuations succeeded in leaving us the pleasure of being there. We were a bad weekend and a sad mother's day because it. Not only that, but the bombardment continued, and nonsense comparisons as worthless, were placed in an incisive way by some people in this house. You may not believe, but the Gnidaol became ill and had fever, I believe that so outraged that was because it was put into evidence their competence and ability, and worse than that was withheld from him the right of what had done after a lot of effort. We were asked politely by the hwbot, that kindly asked us to do the tests again. They did not doubting about our results, they just said that there were many coincidences and due to having had many complaints, they asked us to do the tests again under the conditions stipulated by hwbot and msi, after complaining from lots, was necessary. I would ask for those who accuse without evidence and sought to encourage and force coincidences. What was the destination, if one of our videocards had not worked in Livestream?? .... or .... And if the day of the Livestream Gnidaol or I, for reasons that are quite common to extreme overclockers, we could not demonstrate a good result??. I think it is not necessary to give an answer to this ... everyone here knows what would have happened. I only bring this, to next time for everyone, people think about it. Again to the thread... I don't think Splave was dranked... maybe at MOA 2012 we can drink a lit bit more...lol
  14. The problem is not to be Lightning Splave. The problem is to have a MSI card (reference) with a BIOS that works hardest way. Since I went to USA, I did prefer to buy Lightnings than reference... but MSI reference "was not available" too. Since I was never tried one Lightning, sure, if I was in USA, prefer to buy the Lightning cards than reference (with a detail that, before to get the Lightning, I was thinking it must be so better than a reference, but noticed that it clocks is pretty similar...but not good VRM). To win is needed a complete rig...so even you binned lots of CPUs that we can not bin in Brazil (lol). http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-237951164-placa-me-msi-x79a-gd45-chipset-x79-lga-2011-box-_JM http://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-237949872-placa-me-msi-x79a-gd65-chipset-x79-lga-2011-box-_JM There are the 2 only places in Brazil selling the X79 MSI "now" Is no official import... GD65 (4D)- in the picture is about USD 700 and GD45 is about USD 600 I loved to go there...because I can go to places you have no in Brazil. To give you a simple exemple. To buy clothes for my daughter for 1 year and 9 months, there is a very good brand called Carter. A set from 60 to 70 dollars in Brazil, I can buy U$6 or U$ 7 for an outlet. I do not say that I bring a truckload of stuff from there and the trip ends up paying my work (That's a pity I can not always do this). P.S. about GD45 I never tried, but even is good, I am sure is not SO good as GD65 or Big Bang @Splave - one more time, congratz to your well deserved result...so...will happy to meet you in Tw. Let's have fun there again.
  15. @Duke Lightning was not needed to win MOA, and you can get a very good Lightning or you can get only a regular card. My best card was a reference, and I got better score than mine to MOA. http://hwbot.org/submission/2258829_ This score using 1.03 3DMark11 version is hardest and my MOA score using the cheatweaker to 1.01 version (that gives lots of points more). The diference to the Lightning and to the reference is that reference, to go to the max, needs hardmods That was my best card...I killed because VRM is not strong and mosfet was burned. There are more work to try with reference, but you can see reference cards running 2000 Mhz at RAMs easier than Lightnings and their clocks GPU clocks similar. Now...a question. Some people complain about to have no acess to hardware...now...can feel what we from Brazil need to feel always. If Lightnings was dificult to find there...you can understand for us...all...ever...can be hard to find. FYI, '""there are NO ONE" X79GD 65 or Big Bang official import in all Brazil"...I think it shows how hard is to get hardware here. My X79 GD65 was killed benching, and I looked for another one to improve my result...because I did not know what good result competirors coud have... I did not find any one, in any place...and to import from ebay, can delay 1...2...3 months in the customs... So I asked MSI Brazil...and the X79 still not arrived to Brazil. I hope you understand. I really loved MOA...looking forward to know my friends will be there in Taiwan.
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