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Everything posted by rbuass

  1. After many, many problems, dying in the last 10 seconds or validating the result, I managed to use the Hotkeys to slightly decrease the frequency. the drivers are good, and it is possible that I should gain a little more with them. Thanks to the OC community
  2. Thanks friends... I am happy to have good friends that encourage my work... Will try to keep pushing
  3. Thanks friends... Hi Dino22 ... thats really the best board I tested to X58.... I hope I can find a good Gulfie before socket 2011 is launch...lol
  4. Thanks friends... I was amazed with X58A-OC board....is really for overclockers... Really disappointed with the crap 990X... looking for a similar Nacho's monster CPU ... lol
  5. Hahahah.... Here the same...GT1 and GT2 looks like a psicodelic benchmark...and sometimes black screen (only showing the FPS)... Great job buddy
  6. Looks amazing... I never tryed overclock NB Feel like something is missing in my overclocking life...lol
  7. I would like to be there....but this is not my time. About 12 points 3DM11 at Vegas let me out of Competition... Enjoy guys... Master Arena is the most amazing overclocking party... Have fun
  8. I do not think we should take the personal side, but discuss what the best solution. On the one hand, if we add points for the league enthusiast, I think we would be doing justice to this particular case, and of course, possible that new cases may appear (IMHO). If we are against, we are accepting that the rules are just all right and need no adjustment. My opinion is personal and I have already given. I think that the enthusiasts, mostly, do not want to risk isolating your equipment with Vaseline, Armaflex, making mods, and by submitting its components for high voltages and this is certainly the vast majority of people participating in this house. In my view, is not why should not receive the points of global record. This is not to think of expensive hardware or cheap. Today we can see Sandy Bridge processors (for example), binned, in the air, beating results in sub zero. Imagine that a person can get a super hyper 59X processor that makes the air (hypothetical) and brake good WRs. He does not deserve the points? Or someone else with 2 HD 6990 broke another record ... we would continue with the same rules? I think the only reason that the WR were added to the league, was the fact that, because they have very few competitors in a position of having 4 video cards And consequently very few points to the record holders. The WR is a way to offset this. The proposal should be a vote to know what the majority thinks, and depending on the outcome, think and evaluate whether it is worth or not to change the rules. OMG...my english must be horrible
  9. Great CPU friend... Thats a pity it can not give you scores like a SB....but to 05, 06 and Vantage must be a beast
  10. Perfect explaination friend...you gave your opinion and sure...we need to respect. You voted to not add WR points... Thats a purpose from this thread (I think...lol)
  11. I think this is not a correct way... Thats for all... Why do not vote??? That's the thread title "votting for WR for Global Records to enthusiasts" I vote to "add WR points to Enthusiast League... Then all can give opinion... to add or not add points... This way nobody can tell is not the more democratic way of thinking.
  12. No use arguing with you. For you the rule is a rule and if everyone thought like you, we would be in a HWBot Rev1 yet ... nothing would have changed, and never would change forever ... For other ways of thinking, the rules should be changed, not to adapt the results (which are not mine, and not from anyone on my team, but I think they are more fair). When the rules were created to review 4, was not thought that a guy from enthusiast league should beat one guy from league extreme overclocker. Now the rules have proven to be wrong. A person using a simple water cooler able to break the world record, and only for being the league enthusiast, did not receive their deserved points. Hence someone with limited thinking, answers ... "You should change to the league for extreme overclockers" ... but it's the non sense thing, I think that someone who does not use LN2, does not use dice, does not use phase change,..do not move to extreme overclocking using watercooler. completely meaningless.
  13. You are the only crying here... We are only talking about to fix the rules... if you have no a good argument against it, do not mention Brazil or evoking Jesus Christ. Just limit yourself to try to prove that the guy beat the world record, should not make him deserving to win the points.
  14. Yea He is in Brazilian Team and he got #1 Global. And...what s your problem with Brazil... Why can you cause turmoil with Brazil here in this thread.... Whats is wrong in your way of thinking??? The rules was created before this kind of trouble...and you are wrong... Thats the #1st time that a Enthusiast overclocker got #1st WR Global (3D), and when the rules was created, nobody did think about its happen... Thats non sense Faster not earn his 100 points cause he was in Enthusiast League...and more non sense you tell to Faster to change to higger league... (HE DO NOT OVERCLOCK IN SUB ZERO). Just one more thing...he was not from my team...and Faster do not live in Brazil...but sure is unfair he do not received his points...
  15. What kind of insulation? Vaseline?
  16. No...no special threatment... I think it can open the eyes to change the rules,..... Why do you think he broke the world record overall and should not earn their 100 points from your overall score? The rules had been made before considering it as a benchmark Unigine (purely 3D) could be broken by video cards in positive temperature
  17. I understood Faster. This is and special case where this kind of Benchmark + Hardware do not need LN2 or sub zero. If the bench was Vantage, 3DM11, 3dM06, XXX, will be a huge diference between cooling system and WR will not be possible. We have no guys benching HD6990 LN2, and 2 x HD6990 can beat 4 x GTX 580 (sub zero), then it turns to an special case (singular). Then I think there are no reason to Faster move to XOC league, cause he will lose many more than gain points... Further...he have no sub zero results... I intend he has lots of work to block his cards, and to beat extreme overclockers, and sure, I think is no fair he haves 100 points only as a souvenir. To me, he deserves 100 points more to his score... I will accept hwbot decision, but sure everybody can give his way of thinking here. Very good job Faster.
  18. +1 agree. Thats a real result and is not easy to beat Global WR. It deserves hwboints for sure.
  19. Oh man.... You really benched in your life. I'm hoping you write the Encyclopedia of hardware and overclocking Regards
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