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Everything posted by Linuxfan

  1. Great work man you have some nice bclk there now!
  2. Going to run '01 with F3C BIOS on the UD7 soon Any known difference in performance between UD7 and UD5 boards?
  3. Nice score too bad you had that bclk limit.. better luck next session!
  4. Best CPU I've found so far from random untested ones... 3103B332 (Costa Rica) #4469 55x works Gigabyte UD3-B3 board on air http://hwbot.org/community/submission/2147345_linuxfan_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_570_131462_marks?new=true Massman; Could you put the batches that are from other factories and do not start with L0 all together in order either before or after the L0 list, instead of mixed up in there? Might be easier to look thorough.
  5. 32M run at less clocks than 1024M? lol
  6. Welcome back dude. What did the chip do at 1.65v? Scaled with volts?
  7. PMing you on XS you can improve this run to over 140K easily
  8. Insulated against the air cooler on the CPU? lol Nice run!
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