I don't see an issue here.
It takes luck or lots of binning or buying a proven chip to get up to an amazing CPU-Z with a CPU, plus some skill and dedication to figure out settings...
Other benchmarks take more knowledge to get a really good efficient score.
If somebody has a bunch of amazing CPUs, can get them up to record speeds including rest of setup like mem tweaking and without killing them, then get efficient results, good for him.
SB makes benching 2D and especially 3D easier if you get a super chip, but still to get the best results with your clocks you have to tune the rest of the system's clocks and use the right OSes and find tweaks.
Its not so easy to get a 49 point hardware submission, and to keep the ranking will be even harder because everyone is competing for the top spots.
To get in top 10/20 with only hardware points would be quite an achievement, and would take a lot of work even if you are super lucky.
20th place in the OC League currently is at 945.50 points. If you get 19 49.6 point submissions, you will be at 942.40 points.
You have to be very, very lucky to get 20 49 point submissions easily.
Its fair game. Somebody is always lucky and finds a good CPU, but that doesn't mean its a cakewalk to get to the top or a given that he/she is going to get there.
Massman is not going to tell me what to bench