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  1. Last post from me unless Massman or the other mods have questions. Dentlord and I didn't bench "together" as it were because we are both capable enough benchers to pour one or no pots during a benchmark by ourselves. The together part was mostly high fives when a good bench result happened. I work during the day (most days, I am self-employed), so benches were run at different times on different os's with different compnents by different people. I trickled my submissions in as they came, he chose to make his subs all at one time. We were using Shammy's gpu bios' with the fixed memory speeds. His card was capable of 1300mem clocks, mine was only capable of 1200. This is why his best 03 and heaven destroyed my runs. Adversely, my 2600k was better for spi32 which is why my memory and clocks were superior. The gtx580 01 results which appear almost identical were run early on for both of us. We hadn't flashed our cards to higher memory yet to see if they would run there. Plus everyone knows that with 01, you run high stable gpu clocks and push cpu for best results. Don't you think that if we were sharing we would be smart enough to compare results and re-run with enough difference in clocks as not to provoke attention? My highest 01 during these "joint" sessions was with my 275 lightning. Dentlord has not benched my card for points, only for fun. Unfortunately things look the way they look, but really wasn’t that way at all. Joey and I were just doing our thing over the last month and never really realized how close some of the results appeared.
  2. It is true that Dentlord has been visiting for a few weeks. It is true that we have spent a small fortune on equipment and LN2 during that time. It is true that we may have benched with the same hardware where it was appropriate to do so. Really Robert?
  3. Thanks Vivi, means allot coming from the 01 guru.
  4. Thanks lb, just started at 1.6vc. Goin after it again tomorrow with the cpu @ 5.7 and the lightning a bit higher. We will see if 130k is do-able
  5. I would, but I doubt that I would every see you at any oc event.
  6. Global Silver....OH SNAP! Nice work this weekend bro 8)
  7. Thanks for the comments! This B179 batch 980x doesn't like very much vcore...It will run most 3d tests at 6.2 with 1.75vc. I haven't hammered it yet as there is still allot of work to be done.
  8. +1, it'll be just like old times! oh and right back at you!
  9. Hey Brian enough with the personal attacks. Once again you can't resist butting into something that doesn't involve you. Why don't you do what the rest of us have done and stfu and let those involved resolve it. This is between MSI/Massman, Chris and Honda.
  10. Have a blast Chris! Sorry for your loss...your a brave man to screw with igp at all.
  11. Lets hope OCA can hold on, the guys are doin great! The GD80 and 655k seem to clock better on single channel. Thanks for the kudos doods.
  12. Best of luck to you CL3P20! I would advise you to use the 182.50's with 01 and set your lod to 5.1 in rivatuner. One more thing, you need to get your ram frequency up higher...should help your results. Keep on clockin'! @ Gom, dood your frickin hilarious with the neg frames in h55 vantage...bunch of our guys bangin their heads against that format too, gl Chris.
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