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Everything posted by teurorist

  1. I mean from the Performance lvl can you ask leeghoofd for his sub timings ?
  2. now show us a compare from the best result of each memory kit
  3. n1 sven when ist sam back ?
  4. RedCobra 1x E8600 Q820A598 1x E8600 Q822A435 2x Asus Rampage Extreme 1x OCZ 2x1GB DDR3-1333 CL6-6-6-20 2T D9JNJ 1x CSX Diabolo 2000 CL8 1x Handselektierters Awardfabrik Mushkin Kit PC14400 DDR3 Ram 2GB 1x ZOTAC GTX295 @ Wakü@chiller 2x Asus HD4870X2 @ Wakü@chiller + 4x LN2 Pot 1x Club HD4870X2 1x XFX GeForce 7600GT PCI-E 1x Enermax Revolution 85+ 1050W 1x Enermax GALAXY 850W 1x Watterchiller@ august123 1x Benchbox die muss ich ja mal endlich richtig eingeweiht werden 1x LN² Pot von Otti 4x GPU Multi Pot danke Andi hat supi geklappt :nice: 1x Chip Pot 1x Dewar 30l 1x GTH-175 MO 1000 1x Voltcraft 302K/J und halt sehr viel kleinkram Kabeltrommel, Kabel, Kückenrollen, Monitor unsw. Und das wichtigste darf nicht fehlen Nerfen Nahrung und die Digicam Werde morgen so gegen 15 Uhr eindrudeln sind ja nur 110km :engel: hier noch ein paar Bilde aber schon im zusammengeräumten Zustand
  5. dernettemann 2x E8600 Q820A598 1x E8600 Q822A435 3x Asus Rampage Extreme (kann immer mal eins Kaputt gehen ) 1x Asus Striker 2 Extreme 1x Dominater GT 2000 CL7-8-7-20 1x CSX Diabolo 2000 CL8 1x Dominator 1800 CL7-7-7-20 1x Asus 295GTX @ LN2 Pot 1x Gainward 295GTX (ersatz) 2x MSI 9800GX2 1x Leadtek GF6500 1x Kokü von Moc 1x PC Power & Cooling 1000W 1x Corsair 1000W 1x Enermax 625W 1x Enermax Liberty 500W (Für die Lüfter)
  6. u22 Asus M4A79T Deluxe DFI LP DK 790FXB-M2RS CPU: 2x PII X4 955BE 1x PII X4 940BE 1x PII X3 710 1x X2 7750BE Otterauge LN2 CPU-Pot DDR2: 2x1GB G.Skill GBHZ 6400 2x1GB Cellshock 8000 2x1GB Crucial 6400 DDR3: 2x1GB Diablo 2000 2x1GB Crucial Tracer 1333 2x1GB Crucial 1066 GFX: Asus HD4350 (2D) Asus HD4870 (pot) HIS HD 4870 X2 CoolerMaster UCP900W 4x HDDs 19" TFT
  7. this weekend we have a big meeting in Germany with over 20 persons and order t 600l ln2 its the second time we (extremecooling members organist it. Last time: http://bastel-gianni.ch/projekte/artikel.php?show=ln2germany video: http://www.bastel-gianni.ch/stats/fclick.php?fid=1002 Visitor list teurorist august123 Lutl PhilippF derMalle/Eisbombe RedCobra angoholic u22 Dr. Moc stunned_guy ice angel Tomateeeee Unrockstar toaster patrickclouds der8auer dernettemann roadrunner kleb Eiswolf93 hardware teurorist (tats me ) 2 e8600 1 e1200 1 631 2 comanndos 1 gb p35 ds3 1 ud3p 1 rampage to much ddr2 http://www.teurorist.de/bilder/Ram/ ddr3: 4*1 gb csx 2000 2*1 gb crucial 2000 2*1gb patriot 2*1gb cellshok 1800 2*1gb trs d9gts fore some high v core test 2*4870 angoholic 1x Asus Rampage Extreme 2x DFI DK P45 T2RS Plus 1x DFI 790FXB M3H5 1x E8600 Q820A598 2x E8600 Q822A435 1x AMD Phenom II X4 945 2x HD4870X2 1x HD3450 pic: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=img_0159ocgt.jpg kleb: 1x RE 2x E8600 1x E8200 1x E8500 10GB Micron D9 DDR3 1x 4870X2 1x 3850 256MB 2x CPU Pot 1x NB-Pot
  8. now you see what happens ... i think it wasn't fair and sponsoring mhh but no_name buy enough hardware this little part he get ... what you do was a step back i think the image of hwbot is bed enugh an no_name talk happy in the video about hwbot before this happen
  9. now what is ?
  10. add pleas all missing slot 1 p3 cpu's i have a p3 650 and can't enter scores
  11. no problem any more but it was one but i have a idea why we don't make a registration with personal informations like name photo (only the Mods can see ) and may be a scan ore picture of the identity card something like a real liga
  12. ohhh lol i kow somebody who paint scores but not bwanasoft i dont tell names but he only use it to paint his own scores with cpu-z because he don't have enough time to open it after the 1m run but you dont know anything about aldi in Germany the gpu-s are so funny there details ...
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