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Everything posted by The_Silver

  1. hello, could we put the GPUPI 3.2/3.1? because with the 3.3 we can only run in legacy (32bits)
  2. thank you, and I have not tested under aio but after my test he good fx take +6g r15 1.7v single phase stage
  3. http://hwbot.org/newsflash/3008_asus_radeon_r9_fury_strix_unlock_and_ln2_bioses_available_(stock_3564_cus_3776_cus_3840_cus_4096_cus)
  4. Great job XA! Where can we find the bios now?
  5. ha super merci j'avais deja lu deux trois truc la dessus mais j'avais rien comprie mais la ca a l'air mieux^^
  6. Hi guys, I have a problem I would like to spend my MSI R9 390 under dice but I do not find the voltmod not to lose the posache below 0 ° is what you could help me. Thank you
  7. non au pire mets vite le num de ton tel et des que je te dit ''ok'' tu supprime le message
  8. quand je clic sur toi il y a que ca View Public Profile Visit electron_libre's homepage! Find all posts by electron_libre Add electron_libre to Your Contacts
  9. a non dsl je me suis trompe je voudrais le godet cpu pour 95e avec les frais de ports.
  10. salut je suis interesser par le Kingpin Cooling TEK-9 FAT c'est quoi les fraix de port?
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