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Everything posted by Quiche

  1. what is the batch of the CPU? is it delidded?
  2. 3770k can run 3D @ which freq? CB?
  3. board received, seems ok
  4. yeah, i couldnt manage to have enough BCLK for my 920, i hop RE3BE will have.. it was maybe a small problem on REX but i dont know how to fix it so i'd prefer to sell it! but i'm still seeking a working one..
  5. i'll probably take this if the R3 BE arrive @home
  6. Payment OK with ZFeSS, package sent. Payment OK with Suzuki, package sent too. désolé Radi il m'a pris le lot avec tous les kits..
  7. J'attends des nouvelles de ZFeSS qui voulait me prendre le lot mais si pas de news rapidement je te dirai ça
  8. yes i have paypal, i dont know the costs but around 15 euros i think
  9. It's been a while since a didn't use it... I won't lie i can't remember but wasn't bad, if not i would not have keep it that time For shipping i don't really know but maybe around 25 euros.. anyway, 100 euros shipping included would be fine for me No problem, tell me, there are ready to go Photos added, link on first post
  10. Hi, no problem about pictures but i'm not home this evening, so tomorrow morning for sure ok suzuki for both
  11. Hi, i'm selling some hardware ; Motherboards : - Biostar TPower i45 with box and accessories, perfectly working - 100€ - Gigabyte EP-45 UD3P, no box (box of Z77), perfectly working - 80€ PICTURES ARE HERE : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/du0tr6vhxh4wn2f/AABKlBwQqOEJ3SO_ZsAVgLtta?dl=0 Price without shipping, i'm from France Don't hesitate if you want pictures of if you have any questions !
  12. #Batch L745A817 VID 1.2250 I guess we'll never get boring of this!
  13. Ran out of LN² to keep on running but next time, enough work to get it!
  14. hey, here : http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?213105-Core-i7-Overclocking-by-Batch/page56
  15. thanks! yeah, i know that there's a big difference between my max frequency and my max run frequency... i have much to learn!
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