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About Medico_

  • Birthday 11/20/1957

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  1. Hi, I need recalculation to all my points, please. I have Pro Division points/2 at zero besides other scores. In Development, I made a topic that has been ignored no answers to my question. The link is Do you have an answer? I hope the recalculation fix that too. Thanks, Medico
  2. No me yet, my post have ben ignored, no replies with answer to my questions since over a month.
  3. Hi to Admins and all, I sent a private message to Christian Ney about a one month ago with no response yet. I have issue that my name on the forum was changed by the system. I did change it and want my name as before. I want Medico, no Medico_ (I do not want underscore, just Medico as was before). I hope the person able to resolve this issue address this part of the topic. The main issue is my enthusiast score and rankings and dropped like a rock and I want to know why. Is it there a chance of miscalculation and all my scores are messed up? On March 15, 2018 my score for world ranking was 1,089.65 and ranking 145, hardware masters 1316, enthusiast league score of 1,199.8 and ranking 63. On March 16, 2018 changed to 840.15 and standing 228, hardware masters 1842, enthusiast league score 752.3 and ranking 175. It kept coming down slowly on March 27, 2018 my score for world ranking was 777.85, ranking 392, hardware masters 1897, enthusiast league score 666.9 and ranking 228. On April dropped like a rock. The last score on April 19, 2018, world ranking score was 362.25 ranking 902, hardware masters 20989, and enthusiast league score 48.7, and ranking 2398. That change and dropped is significant why? It looks like error of calculation for me. I attached screenshot for the last 2 days, March 27, 2018 and April 19, 2018. I was waiting for Rev 7.1 to be completed. I read that was completed but my scores and ranking stay low and going down more, but no reaching zero yet. Is there a solution for this and my name issue? Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Medico
  4. It has been a week, no response. Why?
  5. Hi HWBOT crew, This team has no captains assigned. Please contact HWBOT crew or leave a message on the forums to gain captain privileges. I would like to gain captain privileges for Novices of United States. Thanks, Medico
  6. Thank you for your response. I do not expect that BIOS settings to lower the temperatures. That is not an issue currently. I was hoping that would make it XTU more stable. What is the use of those settings in the BIOS? If I set it to 7 on the BIOS what effect that would have on the PC and XTU? I was wondering the use of those settings. It sounds that works only with XTU.
  7. Hi to all, I have a question about XTU settings in the BIOS. It gives a choice between auto and numbers from 1 to 7. Is that settings affects Intel Extreme Tuning functions specially that the benchmark can be completed without BSOD? If it so, what settings should I choose? Thanks, Medico
  8. You did not address my last question. It was, what about if I finished 3rd and the submission said I had bronze cup which is the case in that submission, I supposed to have 2 bronze cups and one medal . Should those be awarded, even that no points awarded, at least to recognize the effort made to achieve that performance?
  9. Thank you for your response, I understand that according to the link provided, that submission will get no points. I wonder why that submission will get no points. Another question is if no points would be ever be given to that submission, what about if I finished 3rd and the submission said I had bronze cup which is the case in that submission, I supposed to have 2 bronze cups and one medal . Should those be awarded, even that no points awarded, at least to recognize the effort made to achieve that performance?
  10. Websmile, mainly the last one, android 2.0 and no points for ranking as you noticed. I think all should be reviewed just in case of miscalculation. This is example of the main one that you noticed and others want me to give example. Hopefully, it can be resolved. Submission details United States Medico`s PCMark Android - Work 2.0 score - Novice League 5287 marks with Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 MSM8996 2150MHz at 2150MHz Ranking position 4th WR Rank: Medal 4th out of 8 3rd Global 4x CPU rank: Cup Bronze 3rd out of 8 3rd Snapdragon 820 MSM8996 2150MHz rank: Cup Bronze 3rd out of 3 Points earned World Record Points (UWP) 4th 0.0 Points Global Points (UGP) 3rd using 4 CPU 0.0 Points Hardware Points (UHP) 3rd using Snapdragon 820 MSM8996 2150MHz 0.0 Points Global Team Power Points (GTPP) 3rd in team using 4 CPU 0.0 Points Hardware Team Power Points (HTPP) 3rd in team using Snapdragon 820 MSM8996 2150MHz 0.0 Points Media gallery ScreenshotsPCMark Android - Work 2.0 screenshot screenshotscreenshot Hardware details Device details Model: Galaxy S7 (G9300/G9308/G930AZ/G930A/G930T1/G930R6/G930R7/G930P/G930T/G930R4/G930V/G930U) Stock OS: Google Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) Installed OS: Display: 1440 x 2560 SoC: Snapdragon 820 MSM8996 2150MHz Kernel: CPU details Model: Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 MSM8996 2150MHz 'Kryo' Cooling: Air (Stock) Speed: 2,150MHz (stock) Memory details n/a VGA details Model: Adreno 530 (Adreno) Qualcomm Cooling: Air (Stock) Speed: 624MHz / 600MHz (Stock) Mainboard details n/a Disk details n/a Power details n/a This is the link Medico`s PCMark Android - Work 2.0 score: 5287 marks with a Snapdragon 820 MSM8996 2150MHz
  11. Why is not reply yet? Is it no solution?
  12. Hi to all, How long would it take a submission to be scored? I have experienced before of submissions that did not take more than 5 minutes to be scored. A particular one that have scored high according to reports but no points it issue yet. Why is that? It has been 6 hours no score yet. Is it that normal? I want to clarify. I was ranked for that submission but no score or points given. I have no problem with the ranking. The rankings should get scores too but for me no scores or points given. It has been 17 hours already, any suggestions? Thanks, Medico
  13. I am getting this after submission. HTTP Status 500 - Could not resolve view with name 'fileTooBigFailure' in servlet with name 'springmvc' I am unable to enter my submission because I am getting above error.
  14. Would that reflect on the team score? I have not seen any change on the profile so far. When does the OC-eSports Points score will show in the profile?
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