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Posts posted by pro

  1. guys i just thought maybe its worth sharing this, quality is really bad but you get the idea



    just showing pcmark automation, so basically im using autohotkey to launch the bench, do the theming for trans windows, prepare the correct drives,


    then again to launch iometer, launch the bench, kill iometer at the right time


    you can also use it for things like detecting when the benchmark is in the right stage to change the drive, just lets you have to manage less things during the benchmark and focus on pouring your pot properly etc

  2. Just to clarify, gluvicio bought up changing dll and we told him its not allowed


    Plus zlib is a compression library, so of you replaced it to a more efficiency version it would help file decompression and not trans windows


    Changing any files in pcmark folder wether by replacing or modifying is not allowed, as with any benchmark

  3. nice work CherV and thanks for sharing that to everyone


    for everyone that may be unaware transparent windows leverages gdiplus, which relies on software rendering, aka not hardware accelerated, this is why it scales nicely with cpu frequency,


    but as CherV and team HK have displayed, with the right combination of settings you can get it up into some crazy figures anyway,


    speaking of which...





  4. this game is certainly getting interesting!


    im ridiculously busy so i wont get a chance to re-bench until this weekend, damnit Team HongKong, i keep getting all my pcmark gear out, then putting it away thinking im safe for a few weeks, then having to get it all out again when you smash it


    i wouldn't have it any other way though ;)

  5. okay guys a few guys still having problem with bob tweak, easy way to do it,


    1. open pcmark, then open the details tab, where you normally see the game tests displayed

    2. change theme to classic

    3. lock computer

    4. unlock computer

    5. you will notice the details tab is now an inverted grey, now you know the tweak has worked

    6. change back to aero theme


    also mess with you themes for more FPS, bob put all of this in his video, but unless you watch it really closely you cant see what he is doing that is important

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