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Everything posted by TeamAU

  1. yeah guys just come to gskill booth, we will be there all day every day, and we can collect numbers, if you guys know your number now, send to me
  2. oh this result is a while ago mate, i got a few new things up my sleeve for when i need them
  3. so whos the golden hand over there? golden hand aside, it takes skill to put it all together and get the efficiency right also, nice work dude
  4. for this chip 1.81 bsod for 2d, 1.82-1.83 max for 3d also.. only likes low volts
  5. yeah i saw the nice audio also, i tried to find your audio tweak this afternoon and accidently found a new video encoding tweak haha, so now my audio encoding is normal, but my video encoding is big like your audio what really interests me is the mem latency
  6. ya should be around 160k with gpu at ln2, great start
  7. looking good man with the monster trans windows and memory latency
  8. Just looking out for you Sam because that's the kind of guy I am
  9. Cheers 1.92vdimm, please don't try this at home
  10. Crazy new finds gluc, the audio encoding makes sense but I'm scratching my head with latency How is it possible to change memory latency score to that magnitude unless the benchmark incorrectly calculates it? It is unlike any tweak we have seen in any benchmark and is preety crazy, i like it haha
  11. i love your dedication man, i think you and glucivio are the two most dedicated pcmark05 benchers around, good shit
  12. smoking and slamming at geil?
  13. sick Jake going to be there and looking forward to meeting Smoke
  14. hey mate, the rest of the windows ARE flying around, the are just black + full transparent
  15. guys i just thought maybe its worth sharing this, quality is really bad but you get the idea just showing pcmark automation, so basically im using autohotkey to launch the bench, do the theming for trans windows, prepare the correct drives, then again to launch iometer, launch the bench, kill iometer at the right time you can also use it for things like detecting when the benchmark is in the right stage to change the drive, just lets you have to manage less things during the benchmark and focus on pouring your pot properly etc
  16. sick dude, great to see some young australian overclockers pushing the subzero i better see you in that OCAU gskill comp man
  17. @Gluvocio damnit i cant find it!
  18. Just to clarify, gluvicio bought up changing dll and we told him its not allowed Plus zlib is a compression library, so of you replaced it to a more efficiency version it would help file decompression and not trans windows Changing any files in pcmark folder wether by replacing or modifying is not allowed, as with any benchmark
  19. yeah lock me in until the 10th pj
  20. bob(nz) nice, hey coolice hows that Astra going man?
  21. gluvucio are you using a special driver to combine 2 areca cards?
  22. keep it going boys, this is very entertaining to watch!
  23. i agree, application dlls are a no no, dont touch anything in the pcmark directory if you are touching system DLL's that should be ok, but i am not doing anything like that at this stage..
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