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Everything posted by cyclone

  1. Damn nice! Any more power in that card? Glad that you don't have the so-called GT3 issue -)
  2. @dRweEz really impressive, congratz! p.s. how did you fix the GT3 bug? -)
  3. damn man, you make me sad we still have the same issue at 1330+ MHz GPU and nothing helps. I wonder how some other guys get normal scores..
  4. Outstanding! Is there any more power left in the card? -) p.s. whiskey seems to be really nice secret tweak for the benchies )
  5. At least with GF 200 it should really matter.Anyway don't think it's an option to prohibit the SR-2 usage. Let the people have fun and go for some records if they want to
  6. Forgotten to mention this one: Pieter, I suppose you killed the "anti - too much money to just play - idea" for GF8/9/200 series by choosing Vantage. It is much more platform-dependent than any other popular benchmark for this graphics (SR-2 definitely rocks here and it costs much more than extra GF8/GF9 -)).
  7. p.s. Massman I just tried some links to the older competitions and they currently do not work. Will you turn them back somewhen? Hope there will be a HWBOT challenge list when you fix all the bugs of the current project version.
  8. Ah, at last something interesting! p.s. there definitely should be a CF competition next month to make AMD/NVIDIA addicted guys treated equally
  9. hmm.. is there a problem with saving comments here? -)
  10. Congratz again! p.s. this 01SE war is getting boring -)
  11. Damn good result Smoke! A+ Waiting for Vince's benchies very much after this thing.
  12. That won't help much to OC Sandy Bridge, which is ~50% result for this contest -)
  13. +1. Putting some CPU clock limits would involve more people to try their best, and this time it's not only benching for fun but also GBT motherboards promo or smth like that. More guys involved = better PR efficiency..
  14. Hope those guys think the same way. Unfortunately we at XtremeLabs.org don't even have a single dual-CPU rig to join the battle for fun -))Anyway you are the boss so good luck with this & upcoming contests!
  15. Contest activity impresses much -) Is there a single category with results from at least 10 teams? IMO epic fail contest. Sorry if I'm repeating somebody's words, didn't read all the thread carefully. Yup, I know that HWBOT is not only about OCing new and popular hardware but also pushing old rigs and having fun. Anyway dual-CPU setups are "very popular and overclockable" even here, at HWBOT. Sorry for late opinion -) p.s. Even GeForce 2 MX400 OCing would be much more funny and impressive if you want some old-skool madness.
  16. He's too religious.. Fanatic, I would say -)Congratz again Vince!
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