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Posts posted by steponz

  1. you all know how people are-what i have to pay 6 dollar for a benchmark running on a 700 dollar system but if new guys want to join you tell them to buy old windows for benching.

    old benchers have all windows versions.


    if you want to be competitive, you will need all versions.... plain and simple.


    I do agree something should be done.. so that even if you don't do a different os install you can submit..

  2. You can take my comment/advise in any way you want man. Just a small part served as a reply to some of your statements listed in your previous comments.


    Again I have tested and benched all boards/CPUs on LN2 besides ASRock. No matter the brand, you dial in the voltages and you have to take into consideration the risks involved. If you bench 4700 on 1.45 Cache voltage it can go down. In my personal opinion that voltage is already way out of whack as it indicates a weak CPU/IMC/... combo. The CPU needs better than water cooling to handle these voltages during hours of bench sessions. If you are able to perform benching in units of minutes, mmm okay...


    OCing is all about balancing stuff. If you had 2-3 casualties I would revise the way of approaching things and start asking myself some questions... Easiest route is to blame the hardware ofc...


    @Steponzi: Sorry Joe two CPUs went out on your fav board at the Asia gathering, moist issues, don't you love them :P


    It is and remains a technical hobby, stuff can go wrong especially when pushed hard


    I'm not high and mighty, I flush the same stuff down the toilet is anyone else... Just handing out tips.. if you feel personally attacked, I must have touched a nerve... I just hope everybody learns from their experiences...


    Yep I love them.. why I bench gb.. I bench the board by choice. I've benched many chips in many gb x99 boards.. not one problem and have very high hunidity here.. so not sure why someone would have a problem.. seems that was more of a user issue.


    Not sure why the personal attacks. It seems the Msi guys want to keep attacking me because I enjoy benching Gigabyte.. personally could care less..

    I will continue to do it either way..

  3. You obviously did something wrong... so you need to trace and see what it is.


    Here's the reason why I would use 2...

    each gpu will require more or less voltage. So it would be better to install 2..to control each.


    You have not listed any detail steps.. so it's very hard to help you. You haven't said any voltages per gpu or memory what they were stock. You are hitting a fault on mem for a reason. So you need to trace back.


    Did you remove the controllers.. please explain more so that you can be helped.


    When I do epowers I test all voltages and 1 step at a time remove and then test again. This is why I can make a card that exceeds the factory performance or at least is the same performance.

  4. My guess from looking at your blog it could be alot of different things... did you check any resistance before starting to make sure there isn't any shorts?


    Did you pretest the card and test voltages at all?


    Are you using only 1 epower for gpu? I know when Tin did this, he used 2.. You should be using 2.


    Was there 2 separate controllers for gpus?

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