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  1. It's all about money... Why are you so selfish? Is existing of teams is only matter of points? Is team should be JBOP (just bunch of people)? U are satisfied to be in team only because that team have most points? Because of that whole world is fucked up. Try to imagine soccer team where all players are best attackers in the world, and all trying to score goal. If we have match between that team and average noraml team who will win? Noramal team have goalkeeper, defense players, midlefielders, attackers, coach. Something like that we should have in our teams. In my country we have Basketball team with only "no name" young players, Partizan Belgrade. Last season was playing Euroleague semifinal (almost final), and two previous years Euroleague quarterfinal. Money? Almost all teams in euroleague have at least one player who worth more than whole Partizan team. I forogot, this is HWBOT Maybe team is not only machine for gathering points? Maybe team is for creating some friendship? Maybe team is for learning and sharing the knowledge? If we forgot thinks like this, there is no hope, not just for HWBOT tems, but for all humanity. To compete with wealthiest teams and teams sponsored by manufacturer, average team must to spend a lot of money to buy several best CPU's and GPU's or to cheat. That was in old rules.. In new rules there is no benefit if team have 20 Gulftown's or 20 5870 or GTX480. In matter of fact, with "Massman's" rules teams will spear money by working like team. Separating manufacturer from overclockers will not get free hardware, online and live competitions... HWBOT trying to connect manufacturers and overclockers. This is not sin. This is way how manufacturers will hear that we need more live competitions with affordable hardware. @Massman Think about points for livestream. Rewards for people who have most livestreams... Maybe livestreams with submissions. This is great opportunity for inexperienced users to learn from experienced. With rev.4 maybe is time for slightly reducing points difference between popularand non popular hardware. With rev.4 maybe is time for slightly reducing points difference between overclockers in middle of the list. Example, Radeon HD 4650 single GPU. http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/radeon_hd_4650?tab=rankings#/manufacturer.rankings.do?applicationId=17&manufacturer=ati&hardwareTypeId=GPU_1587&hardwareType=GPU&tabid=gpubenchmarks Why is 14th place ten times worth than 19th? Thanks to great efforts. Keep up good work. @all Obviously this is not perfect rules, but far as I know this is the best. I think that we can give a chance to rev.4. If not work after a couple of months we can request rollback to rev.3. Sorry for my bad english.
  2. Thanks Massman for great effort to popularize overclock! It's not feature, it's future.
  3. I'm concerned about using 5770 Super Overclock.
  4. http://hwbot.org/signature.img?iid=110590&thumb=false This score is moderated. How? http://hwbot.org/listResults.do?cpuModelId=919&applicationId=3&filterUser=true&filterBlocked=true&limit=100 1. 4. 7. All from same team. How to know this is not same processor?
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