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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Good to hear that... So its probably not the Board.
  2. Thx.... What a great Chip....but a shitty Board.
  3. I´d like to but this is as far as I can get..
  4. Ok, now I´m waiting to get crushed by some SDRAM Subs over 195Mhz. I know Turrican is able to but is there anyone else ?
  5. I dont have any sticks expect SDRAM but Im waiting till the others show if I have a change or not.
  6. Is everybody holding back his results ? Someone needs to start but Im not in the mood to do so. ^^
  7. Really impressive RAM. I always believed in -BH5 and never tried TCCD.....maybe I should do that.
  8. I really dont like it to see submissions made with ES HW. Of course those Scores are sick and most of the Time current WR but its not fair against all those other guys who dont get sponsored by NVIDIA, INTEL and so on. They dont have the opportunity to get a cherry-picked, fixed 980x or anything like that, so they cant reach (even if they got the know-how) those sick scores.
  9. WTF 35s ? @Stock you should get about 9s so enable 6 Threads...
  10. Gute Arbeit ! Nächstes mal erwähne ich nicht mehr das ich nah an deiner Punktzahl dran bin
  11. 890GX works better than I thought...Good work man !
  12. Hey Guys, I hope this is the right spot for my problem. Yesterday I made two submissions with P3 733 and P3 800. Both should reward me about 3 Points each. After the Submission I waited for the Bot calculating the Score. But after a couple of Hours it still says: "calculating". Today I looked up, expecting some more points on my acc. but those two submissions are still "calculating". So I deleted both, submitted again and got the same problem. Could someone please fix it ? http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1002190_speddy411_superpi_pentium_3_733mhz_1min_56sec_758ms http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1002191_speddy411_superpi_pentium_3_800mhz_1min_49sec_708ms //EDIT// Dont know if someone fixed it but no it finally calculated....
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