We have a team competition going on atm. And as you can see from the rankings we are making som good progress
The Norwegian team was started back in Oktober 2006, we have 94 registered users. And among them some old legends, like Stoolman and Overklokk. Feel free to join us if youre in lack of a team.
Our goal is to keep the team in the top 10 league. And so far it looks like we are going to be able to do that. The members forum is http://www.diskusjon.no.
Lin to our team
Some more info on our team competition:
3 categories:
1. An Overklokk built singlestage phasechange goes to the one who has the best % overclocked CPU.
2. A gigabyte motherboard, AMD 3800+ and Corsair PC6400 2GB set of memory to the one with most scores that gives points.
3. Is an open category, funny, extreme? Maybee we will se some 486 superpi ownage here.....
The competition is finished on Sunday 15.04.2007. And soon afterwards we will have the winners ready.
Its only open for people living in Norway. Due to prices for shipping.
But feel free to post some results if you want non the less....