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  1. Nothing done... What do i need to do for it to move ?
  2. Good link, I didn't found it when I searched. So the next step is to apply the changes no ?
  3. Who will make the decision ? Do I need to do something ?
  4. Sorry, I didn't phrase it correctly. I think it's a good idea to merge it, but i also think that a category for 852GM (clocked at 133MHz) has to be created (since it's the only one different).
  5. My problem is not for the user to identify his chipset, but for someone to recognize it in an hwbot screen. Everest is not needed to post a screen, so how can we know that a score is from a 852 or a 855 ? 852GM is simple, 133Mhz at graphics and fsb100, but 852GME is fsb 133. And most 855 are used with fsb100 cpus... So what can guide you to tell which chipset is it ?
  6. Ticket ID: 1199 Priority: Medium Hello\r\n\r\nI benched an old laptop with intel graphics and tried to know the exact name of it, but couldn\'t with gpuz. So I searched the results on the base and found that gpuz screens in 82852 category and 82855 category are nearly identical (in the screens I saw, even the device id is identical).\r\n\r\nI searched a bit and found that 852GM seems only to run at 133 MHz, 852GME and 855GME at 133, 200 or 250MHz (in Intel specs). So it is a bit messy...\r\n\r\nSo can you look at it a little ? (is it possible to identify with gpuz ?)\r\n\r\nIf it impossible, why not make it in one category ?
  7. Les fautes sont toujours là...
  8. No answers or changes after two weeks... Are we in the appropriate section for a such a request ? If not, could someone tell where it needs to be ?
  9. Hello I use the french page and I want it in nearly full French. And without errors... "Accueil" (=Home) is still "Acceuil" "Caractéristiques matériel" is still "Caract�ristiques mat�riel" For translation : "A propos d'HWBOT" for "About HWBOT" "Ligue Overclockeurs" for "Overclockers League" "Maîtres du Matériel" for "Hardware Masters" "Records HWBOT" for "HWBOT Records" in the tab titles : "Nouvelles" (ou "Brèves") for "News" "Nouvelles soumissions" for "New submissions" "Vidéos" for "Videos" Do french speakers agree with my translations ? Is it possible to translate more ? (for example in the videos tab)
  10. Good job for this bug correction. I think less people will complain about the 0.1pts problem (which still here). But I think a 60% of rewarded scores in little categories (with decrease by the number of submissions) is a solution to the matter of a lot of people.
  11. 50% get HW boints ? by HW boints, you mean more than 0.1pts, do you ? so why in a categorie with 73 scores, the 25th has only 0.1pts (and the 24th has 1.7pts...) ?
  12. Ticket ID: 292 Priority: Medium Can you add the Nvidia Quadro FX1000 please ?\r\n\r\n
  13. It's not what I was looking for. Is there a page with all changes of rules in all benchmarks ? I'm not clear. It needs an exemple. I've seen this score http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=547993 which is for me suspicious and has a lack of validation. But how can I know what were the exact rules in 2006 ?
  14. Is there a page with all the modifications and dates of application for the rules of hwbot ? (which can add help in this kind of case)
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