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ale belo

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Everything posted by ale belo

  1. nice one dude! use slow mode? i killing 3 chips for this competitition cpu freq/igpu ahahah.
  2. awesome score! hpet must be enabled or not?I see many people use hpet disabled.
  3. I was waiting for your bench. Great work dude!
  4. Is not specified for this stage. I think it's allowed
  5. 1.2 and win7 is fine even on older gen. Interesting
  6. come primo approccio sulle ram direi ottimo,considerando la tua miglior sub (in 8p) sei nettamente superiore livello ram. Se fai 1m come si deve con frequenza cpu e ramdisk awe/sloopy waza disintegri lo score della Dark KP. Bravo Cosimo,sulla cpu e sui tweack non ci siamo ma sulle ram ottimo lavoro.
  7. geek3 3.4.4,maxmem min 1.5gb,verification link,valid sign...none of this
  8. for me it is useful to do some stages at cpu limit (aio/water) in order to consider all the categories and look for the best efficiency
  9. you have low NB clock, I think the cold bug is related to imc
  10. Nice job my friend! have you tried increasing the pcieclk (108-112) for cb?
  11. Now 5300g/5350g are completely useless. Nice work as always Allen.TOP!
  12. I'm a modder for one time. Need the Picture setup Alby. 😂
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