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Everything posted by luakri

  1. A2 layout / dimm 2.045 / vtt -50 / vsa 1.45 / vccio 1.45 / rtl auto / vsa and vccio could be lowered.
  2. A2 layout / dimm 2.045 / vtt -50 / vsa 1.45 / vccio 1.45 / rtl auto
  3. hyperx predator 4133 A2 - dimm 2 / vtt - 50 / vsa 1.45 / vccio 1.45 - vsa and vccio could be lowered, testing memory training for now.
  4. Pcpartpicker build pics: BC1 Silver https://pcpartpicker.com/b/VxnH99 BC1 Silver (3D print Vertical Stand) https://pcpartpicker.com/b/WbFtt6
  5. vcore 1.45 / vdroop -50% small droop / pwm freq 800 / vdim 1.98 / vtt 0 / vsa 1.5 / vccio 1.45
  6. vcore 1.45 / vdroop -50% small droop / pwm freq 800 / vdim 1.98 / vtt 0 / vsa 1.5 / vccio 1.45
  7. bios in the screenshot is the 0.92 (XP optimized) using WIN XP 64. Both bios 1.07 and 0.92 can train and benchmark this kingston 4133 CL19 at 4800 CL14 tight. Had to use TFAW 17 TCWL 15 instead of TFAW 16 TCWL 14 otherwise it would not train the memory.
  8. vtt refers to the dimm vtt, this motherboard dimm vtt accepts percentil values from the dimm voltage, not fixed values. default is 50% of dimm voltage.
  9. vdim 2 / vtt -50 / vsa 1.5 / vccio 1.45
  10. The rules for this competition regarding processors are: "Only DT, LGA3647, TRX40 parts are allowed (no other server or ES hardware)" DT refers to skylake dt server processors eg https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/intel/cores/skylake_dt ? Or DT stands for desktop cpus?
  11. The official Challenger 2020 Division I round 1 thread.
  12. Bump.
  13. vcore 1.45 / vdroop -50% small droop / pwm freq 800 / vsa 1.5 / vccio 1.45 / dimm 1.980 / vtt 0
  14. trident z A2 - 4133 CL12 1T - 1.98 dimm
  15. Ambiente temperature dropped. 4266 CL12 1T - Dimm 2.055 / vtt -55 / vsa 1.35 / vccio 1.3.
  16. Bump.
  17. Bump.
  18. Sparky's__Adventure Thank you for your interest in this listing and for your time doing ambient benchmarks, it is greatly appreciated. Please progress conversation by PM and not on main thread. Best.
  19. Hello Sparky's__Adventure Thank you for your interest in this listing. It definitely looks interesting 1.19V. If available and interested, please provide screenshot of benchmarks on par to the listing cpu requirements eg 5.5G Cinebench R15 stable at 1.4V or less. IMC quality could be also measured by training and booting at 4133/4200 CL12 or geekbench 4800CL14. Please progress conversation by PM. Best.
  20. Hello Ilpingu Thank you for your interest. I am interested in ambient results on par to the listing cpu requirements, if you can test on ambient please do. Please progress conversation by PM. Best.
  21. Hello everyone. Thank you for looking. Currently on the lookout for a Strong Ambient testing 8700K - 5.5G Cinebench R15 stable at 1.4V or less, with great IMC. Obs: Please provide screenshot of benchmarks including cpuz voltage or similar Ambient testing refers to AIO, Custom Loop or Air at room temperature ambient ~27°C great IMC refers to train and boot at 5100 single channel. Reference of 8700Ks with same specs. https://community.hwbot.org/topic/190100-fs-6940-r15-8700k/ https://community.hwbot.org/topic/189338-fs-top-binned-8700ks/ Happy Benching. Best.
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