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Diabolo 80

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Everything posted by Diabolo 80

  1. Stage II it's a Lightning time I have a good one
  2. Tnx. I received my prise It's Inno3D 440GT. with my dog and without him
  3. Nice score dude. I don't have 570DCII now, and can't beat this
  4. it's not my war dude don't have god CPU now
  5. Hmm. What about Yann's 3RD PLACE: GEFORCE GT 440? Will this prize be sent to me? I am next in line
  6. WTF guys?? You are doing this again and agin!! were is subtests window??????????
  7. Tnx cyclone But we have some problem with Yannn's 2k1 submition. I don't see score details
  8. Qimonda 1ns chips, w Vmod 1130-1170mgz, wo Vmod 1050-1080 mgz
  9. Tnx dude. I made new one "ghetto VRM"
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