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noAIMnoSKILLnoKILL_ last won the day on November 24 2023

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  1. Well I fried it. The other two are worse and the next few probably won't show up in time. Good luck fetching 7th place from me \[T]/
  2. Well if it still runs I'll try. It needed a lot of vcore over 7 GHz, maybe I've overdone it yesterday ;P (Aw man, I need to look into how to quote, seems like I did it wrong)
  3. Hey Kaliz, I know that's a pretty stupid question but would you maybe consider selling that 12400f? I'm frustrated, I got four and the best one refuses to go much over 5.3 GHz stable unless I dump over 1.65 Volts into it (which leads to thermal throttling)
  4. https://hwbot.org/submission/5391149_noaimnoskillnokill__cinebench___2024_gpu_2x_geforce_titan_rtx_18884_cb/ previous sub with setup pic
  5. That actually worked for me. Thanks dude
  6. Hi, I was wondering what settings you used in Throttlestop? Haven't really used it before and it doesn't really do much no matter what I do... Don't need your exact settings if you can't remember them but it would be helpful to know what settings to use
  7. Would be curious too if it was approved now or if he still insists on "trust me bro"
  8. Hi, I'm looking for a big Dewar (50/60 liters) or two smaller ones to start with LN2 at home. Preferably from nearby, I'm located in southern Germany. Also potentially interested in other subzero gear if you have something left over.
  9. But thx. I'm just getting into it. Looking forward to go to FX 8350 after I finished my testing.
  10. Well I actually have a lot of room left to tweak the RAM because it's a CL9 kit. But I have to figure out how to get it to even post with the tighter latency
  11. Ich weiß, dass hierauf niemand eingehen wird, aber bitte schau dir die Taktungen auf der GPU an!!! Ich weiß leider nicht, ob ich dafür jemals irgendwas kriegen werde, weil das nicht gewollt war und kein + in der Performance gebracht hat... Ich fänds echt klasse, wenn du mir antworten könntest
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