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Everything posted by Leeghoofd

  1. ECC is not enabled during your run, UL is going to take a final decision soon , but recommended us to already enforce this rule for competitive benchmarking. (meaning all ECC disabled RTX 4090 scores will have to be rerun) 3DMARK - FIRE STRIKE EXTREME (hwbot.org)
  2. The rules state benchmark window, not FULL benchmark window, plus we have the validation link, 01 is another story
  3. Benchmarks settings stay as they are...
  4. Congratz, seems you have the fastest T4500 on the planet, I request a full Brazilian sweep of the benchmarks sir.
  5. Why not click on the link Best submission? You will end up here: https://hwbot.org/submission/5008645 That is your best score for this benchmark on an 8 core CPU For the rest:
  6. Nope as some accounts have scores, so a manual check is the way to go. We will get there mid march probably ?
  7. We are cleaning up the spambot accounts, mutliple accounts on the same email,... over 4K double/triple accounts have been manually rectified, still over 40K to go, will take me at least till end of February to get them done, but at least the junk will be gone...
  8. AMD + WIn 8/10/11 mandatory usage of BenchMate benchmarking tool (benchmate.org)
  9. why not just drop a PM on my wall or come on Discord... I'm confused as you are on the forum now. Plz mail me your credential to albrecht@hwbot.org
  10. nothing is wrong with your score, you just have a faster one already https://hwbot.org/submission/5045136 Seems the "Best submission link" has issues
  11. plz put the 2 screenshots (29515 and 29300ish) here, maybe they contain the data that might clarify it
  12. Remarks : - when did we impose the ruling? We are blocking the ones atm that don't adhere to this rule set. Anyway did you think you could get away with a small increase in freq that would boost your score so high that you even beat LN2 or chilled setups... now some opt that the best defence is to attack... - What is the safest score to submit, the ECC or the non ECC one ? We see user sub ECC enabled ones for the non global benchmarks and trying to stay under the radar and subbing ECC disabled ones for the benchmarks with global points. These are the ones why this is done now ! Thank them not me! - Is it THE requirement that ECC needs to be visible in the UL verification link to determine it was enabled or not? Maybe we just need a safety net - UL is going to rework ECC detection for older benchmarks - If UL decides to go with ECC enabled only is the way to go, the older scores will be removed and will need to be rebenched... - if you have a more viable solution for this mess, plz share it... - If you have a score that you think was legit, link us, maybe we messed up. Moderators are only humans too. End of drama
  13. We will slowly start removing the newer RTX 4090 scores with ECC disabled, this to ensure user with new subs get a more clearer signal. We have observed some shenanigans again by users bending the rules for their own benefit... Our advice is to not bench these cards on LN2 or other extreme "expensive" cooling UL is still on it and monitoring...
  14. if you sub 1 x GTX 590 it should count as one card, but is in the 2X GPU category I pulled a few screenshotless subs
  15. Today the HWBOT Forum has been updated to the latest version (20-01-2023) On recommendation of Invision, we require now your email to be used as LOGIN and not your username
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