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Eisbaer798 last won the day on November 2

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  1. I think it is because of the used GPU that you have achieved such a high FSB :-) Nice CPU and good work!
  2. E8600 and REX test weekend. Second test Rex 6.0 87MC (706er) + E8600 Q822A435 #2. This CPU is also pretty sensitive. After a freeze, it only starts at a temperature of -124°C (CBB). Windows only starts at a temperature of -130°C. You can then bench down to a temperature of -140°C to -145°C. CB is then at -150°C. I don't know why, but with this REX, with the same BIOS settings (strap; PL; FSB etc.), I have much worse SP32M times than with my Rex CC Edition. That's why the performance in this run is really bad. I also tested Max FSB SP32M straight away. The board just manages to get a stable value of 660MHz! WtF!!!!/ VID CPU: 1.213v CPU@Air 4.9gig@1.40v Thanks to Seasonic and Thermal Grizzly for Support!
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