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  1. I am trying to submit a laptop with no associated gpu to tie it to. AMD A12 9720p cpu (Bristol) with R7 8CU graphics Device ID 1002 9874 17AA 39FF Bristol Ridge 512 shaders
  2. thats most of the issue. we do this for entertainment, but enjoy gaining points from our work. Our work is now worth next to nothing. It seems an attempt to force everyone to play someone else's game one someone else'e time
  3. seems some are leaving hwbot over this. It does seem to attempt to strongarm people into benching in the oe area comps
  4. is samsungs "rapid" going to be allowed in the pcmark7 stage?
  5. I have a pcmark7 score I am attempting to submit. I keep getting an error that says Validation error: A valid futuremark compare url is required if want to reach the PCMark7 Hall Of fame. As only 13 benchmark scores are better than you, you need to provide additional verification. I have the screenshot attached and the link to futuremark as well, but still get the error. any ideas on what is going on
  6. thanks! some of them have lots of work getting there
  7. found the link and have it recalculating
  8. seems it also deleted my 12.45 submission as well.
  9. sorry forgot the link. here it is http://hwbot.org/submission/2340332_dejo_pifast_core_i7_3770k_12.42_sec
  10. I need to delete a pifast submission that didnt get the memory tab clicked to make a valid submission. It wont let me delete the submission to make my slightly lower time my points bearing work. thanks
  11. to be a legal submission there has to be (2)cpuz shots and a gpuz and also have the details of the run open.
  12. I think the current rules are correct as well. I wasnt even in favor of splitting the pro league, as it makes me feel like a smaller fish in a smaller pond. Move up to your competition level and compete, then take the ultimate satisfaction.
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