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Everything posted by Strat

  1. Very strong run and card man, congratz Can I ask you what thermal paste do you use?
  2. Simous : Ivy is a lot better than SB-E on single card my friend
  3. Could you show us a pic of your setup man? Nice score
  4. Arf, ça suxx t'es tombé sur un CPU pas top du tout Le prochain sera meilleur
  5. T'as essayé en baissant le HTT vers 2000~2200?
  6. Wait few weeks until I get my Venom pot... I'll kick your ass.
  7. I can't fight against Taïwanese CPU mafia haha
  8. A bit more is comming ib few minutes...
  9. Mtech rules Unigne Go for one more with 2 VGAs ! Congratz!
  10. Il te faut la version 1.0.1 de 3DM11 pour avoir le score physics qui roxx. Et faudrait que tu tweak un peu ta ram aussi, ça fait gonfler le score
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