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Everything posted by Strat

  1. I buy it for 2€/L delivered @home
  2. We want moooooooaaaaaaarrrrrrr
  3. Nice work! Seems to be heavily CPU limited.
  4. Thanks a lot Christian!!!!!
  5. It's not about to be fair. ES are not better than other. I ask that because the only cpu I got is a ES.
  6. So, do I have to consider that ES are allowed?
  7. Looks like a good challenge Do ES CPUs are allowed?
  8. Congratz for this great record! But why cpu is higher in Wprime 1024 than 32?
  9. How did you do such a score with that frequencies????
  10. Ok i give up... With that kind of story and with that kind of fucking bitch people, I understand now why more and more good OCer don't want to even hear about HWBot... That's really a pity.
  11. Please, don't talk about de rules. There are much submissions which have to be reported in the country cup, or at least, do not match "exactly" what is required. BUT, those submissions are from "great" (lol) countries... What a pity... Edit : for example : http://hwbot.org/submission/2227146_pt1t_3dmark2001_se_radeon_hd_6550d_44333_marks No memory information... Rules are the same for everyone? big big lol Edit2 : I want to clear something, I absolutely don't want Pt1t submission's to be killed. It happens to forget 1 cpu-z info...
  12. @the one who did it : if you are just a bit courageous, tell me who you are. I just want to know.
  13. Who's the flucking b*tch who has reported our HD6410D submission in stage 2???? Seriously, in the hurry we put 2 mainboard cpu-z, the HD6410D is present ONLY inside this cpu-z, all frequencies are linked on Llano, so with some simple division, you can easily get the cpu frequency. Damn, what's the point of reporting every submissions? The guy who's done that should really be a dumbass OCer to do such bad things.
  14. Same as Kintaro's submission, very well done guys! Hard to beat... And I'm sure it has more in it
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