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Everything posted by Strat

  1. Arf, it dosen't sounds good to me so...
  2. ES are not allowed even for 3D benchmarks? I mean I got a 990x ES and a GTX275, I want to compete in Unigine Dx9 stage, we all know that in Unigine with GT200 it won't make the difference. Moreover, 2600K is more efficient. So I can't submit in this stage with the only cpu I own?
  3. Thank for that complete answer mister Massman
  4. Heyo! A little question, can somebody make several submissions? And the best one count? Or is it one shot?
  5. Wow man that's an heavy efficient run! Congratz!! Very great work
  6. FF = Full F*ck Too bad for that good cpu. Very nice score, WR so close
  7. Very very nice for a first time! Especially when you know how you got to that point. Guys, he did it at school, in front of his classe + teacher, and Ln2 was paid by school!! Much congratz young padawan
  8. Wait wait there is a 420k done but not posted yet http://www.klan-oc.fr/viewtopic.php?f=9&p=2611#p2611
  9. Exact!! En même temps il a fait ça en 20min... 250 points rofl
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