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  1. hwbot could work with creators of the program to include an hwbot included anti cheat method into so it would make life harder for them ....... the cheaters that is
  2. thanks it works ... now i need to re-upload my old sig pic Oo
  3. as you can see there's the hwbot logo who popped up on my sig pic .... is there a way to keep my sig as it is while removing the out of place hwbot logo???
  4. http://service.futuremark.com/home.action;jsessionid=3B466C4A0CD4C3C782CB6480EC3023A7
  5. here's my opinion on the whole es chip debate - es chips are usually cherry picked from either intel or amd to show potential of production stepping... - some es chip will oc as good as some golden retail cpu - the reason its always the same people getting es chips or special treatment by the oem to test some product is because they are the best at what they do.... oc'ing but to be fair to everyone since there is a big debate everytime this subject is talked on the public place why not rank the es chip result into 2 category - un-official max cpuz screenshot etc... enter all benchmark possible in hwbot.... no hwpoint added.... - official es chip hwbot database .... give out points relating to the es chip database based on different benchmark run by different user ... now the difficult task if it is even difficult to do .... monitor wich cpu is an es chip or retail ... what kind of validation process would be taken to make sure no one cheat etc.... i hope my opinion made sense
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