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Everything posted by Andrix85

  1. maybe Moose...I sold it...I pass to GTX 780; too many issues with this R9 290...
  2. Thanks, i hope to reach 1300 only with softmod and 1.3V...
  3. Thanks Hideo...Have you used only softmod as MSI AB ?
  4. Lol...I need to check my Lightning with new GPU POT.. How much voltage for theese frequency Hideo San ?
  5. ...you need 2600 PSC bro...Nice result...
  6. thanks guys ...if hardware go as it should go, there are good result
  7. But he hasn't the same good card I understand...
  8. ahaha...Nice run bro...Now we can wait Riska backup...Lol...
  9. Lol...Nice bro...Keeo pushing now...
  10. I will be happy to participate in... More details ? Andrix85 from Italy
  11. Hello boys, i'm selling my GPU POT from RYBA, SLIM POT type. Good for old and new vga. Complete with insulation but not temperature probe... PRICE 70€ + SHIPPING
  12. Lol...Nice gold bro... Così mi piace, non conta solo la pure frequenza della vga...
  13. Hi boys... I'm selling my second 4770K BATCH L310B490 tested to 6.1 GHZ on 3D BENCH 4c/4t 1.75V CB -133° on my GIGABYTE Z87X-OC WIN XP and VISTA. CPU TEST on 3DM06 @ 5.9/6.0 GHZ depends on SYSTEM. This is screen of my result: 3DM01: http://hwbot.org/submission/2453863_andrix85_3dmark2001_se_radeon_hd_5850_138340_marks 3DM05: http://hwbot.org/submission/2453302_andrix85_3dmark05_radeon_hd_5850_51123_marks 3DM06: http://hwbot.org/submission/2446374_andrix85_3dmark06_geforce_gtx_470_42720_marks AQUAMARK: http://hwbot.org/submission/2453400_andrix85_aquamark_radeon_hd_5850_485773_marks PRICE 380€ + SHIPPING IN EU. FOR OTHER COUNTRY CONTACT ME IN PVT, THANKS
  14. Ok, i'm testing the PT1 bios...Seems go well... And my ELPIDA RAM go more than 1400...
  15. For information, has this card CBB or CB under single stage ? My phase reach -52° idle
  16. Ok, thanks...I would like to try my reference 290 XFX @ 290X ASUS BIOS under single stage. I can set 1.42V real...
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