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Raul SDT

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Everything posted by Raul SDT

  1. GUNDOG>> I think he is saving the best for last
  2. Need better memories....This ones makes my 5Ghz looks like 4.75 ):
  3. òtimo cara ! Ta usando DDR booster ou foi na pura fé mesmo ? parabéns !
  4. Oh...i havent noticed this. My one is E0 stepping, I think that's why it is so hot.
  5. Se eu subisse mais eu perderia a VGA, bateu 98ºC na hora desse RUN. Cheguei a queimar a mão na vga
  6. its ranked as stock cooling...And its a DICE system..Its really unfear with other users...
  7. Did u use any kind of mode on this board ? Im trying to reach 4Ghz with a Prescott and i cant do it cause i can change any voltage on it...
  8. Why u used LN2, using water u would have the same result using a Sandy Bridge
  9. LOL, a 2600k dont need LN2 to run at 5.6Ghz
  10. hahaha...o san ace custa mais que o processador
  11. You make any Vmod on the CPU or Mobo to overclock it ?
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