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Raul SDT

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Everything posted by Raul SDT

  1. I've been trying to run it in a 5450 since yesterday and it dysplay the same error... http://i.imgur.com/1zncJ.jpg It appears this error before the bench starts....Funny is that the normal "non-hwbot" benchmark runs normally... Any sugestions ?
  2. Could boot and run it with the four cores active but the temp went over 85ºC ! This CPU is asking for DICE
  3. I've seen this comment in somewhere sometime ago: "A blast from the past" Well done.
  4. You could have used another memory ? Yep But its an amazing score mate, congratulations! Z77 can handle 2500Mhz+ ?
  5. Damn...great one dude, I supose that "taking advantage of my IT job" is a hobby for you
  6. CPU couldn't hold any higher clocks even with LN2 ?
  7. Thats just me or this CPU have a diferent IMC than its "K" brothers ?
  8. Nice one mate, great CPU. Whats the voltage set on bios? No vdrop ?
  9. 0ºC is it the cold bug ? Amazing clocks...thats just amazing!
  10. Parece que temos um fight de 6950... http://hwbot.org/submission/2212981_ hehehehe
  11. My count gave me 8 processor cores...not 32 Am I right?
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