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Raul SDT

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Everything posted by Raul SDT

  1. THIS is a real 5870 result..not those stock cooling WR... Well done!
  2. No GPU-Z, no Details shown, score doesn't match, MB tab is missing and blablabla....Come on mate
  3. booooooa cara...colou no Gian com a 7950
  4. Manolo, o WP da competição...Eles vão vetar o score ):
  5. E não se esqueça do WP da competição http://hwbot.org/blog/wp-content//17827_qutote_positive_you_are_awesome1.jpg
  6. Os únicos testes que contam ponto são os 7 "Game Tests"..Os outros você não precisa rodar
  7. Eder roda isso denovo e manda pro challenge desse mês !!! http://hwbot.org/competition/hoc_may12/
  8. Nice one brother, GL fo OBR! We'll have a fight!
  9. Qual o clock do CPU manolo ?
  10. Damn...I'm unable to use ATITT on Windows seven....I think you'll take this one..
  11. Damn...Thats sad, haha I'm in the same situation with my GTX570...It's coming back from japan. I can't wait to have it back...Wait for my results, I'll bench today
  12. I answered your question about my card being a Cedar core...My one is a shitty non-reference model fro xfshit. Basically it is not a real cedar, as its not a real park...Look at my VGA memory description and you will see that it is way worse tha yours, and way worse than the original reference model. And technically Park and Cedar are the same chip, hope you dont understand this as a cheat or something...I was jus tunlucky with my VGA, shoudln't have bought XFX. The challenge is up, right ?
  13. Damn...How many cpus are left ?
  14. Nice one....at first I thought that the rams were running at CAS3. lol
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