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Raul SDT

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Everything posted by Raul SDT

  1. Ty very much m8 Could you also add the community page? http://www.criminalcafe.com/content.php
  2. Hey, please take a look a this thread.. http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=40381


    Thank you!

  3. Also, the community page http://www.criminalcafe.com/content.php
  4. That's me guys, how do I proceed ?
  5. Nice cpu you have there mate, most of clakdale IMCS are really poor...My one cant hold 950Mhz+ with ANY timings, or ICs. Also, nice mobo.
  6. not really, my validation reffers to the GTX570 memory, wich IS GDDR5. Otherwise, why this gddr5 rank exists ?
  7. Tem que mandar a screen inteira, não só o resultada. heheheh com calma aprende...o importante é postar os resultados. Edita ele e coloca a screen inteira ;D
  8. Primeiro 3820, isso sim é exclusividade...E nem por isso ficar se gabando. NICE!
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