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    Just About Everything (Mostly AMD)


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    Matrix Manager/IT Admin


  • realname
    David Brier

rZyn17's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. If someone could please take the time to change my nick from (why I had what I have now, I have no clue) to rZyn17 I would really appreciate it. Thanks!!
  2. 2.220v in CPU-Z WHOA. Something be wrong here.
  3. Sad, considering my 3770k at 4.2 is 5.794
  4. rZyn17

    Wrong Category

    This person submitted wrong 2 different ways. 1) E5620 was submitted in a E5645 Category 2) CPU 1 and CPU 2 show different cores/threads for the same cpu? Total core is 10 then, should be in 10x? Thanks http://hwbot.org/submission/2270008_the_wolf_wprime_32m_2x_xeon_e5645_3sec_93ms
  5. worked perfect!! THANKS. Good ole AAA . A lways A wesome A ndre
  6. Having issues booting together... isn't a joke, I really have chip in hand, tried 4 different bios versions with no luck. going to call ASUS tomorrow but hoping for a possible fix now. Asus states board will work with next gen cpu... Really excited to get this going. Let me know Thanks
  7. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2152246_miho_aquamark_rage_128_pro_agp4x_806_marks That needs to be moved too... Thanks
  8. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/605996_turrican_3dmark2001_se_rage_128_pro_1750_marks http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2196339_miho_3dmark2001_se_rage_128_pro_agp4x_1331_marks ^^^^ Same cards in 2 different categories.. Matter of fact those 2 categories have all different types of Rage cards. This is why the results are so different even with a much higher freq cpu is used.
  9. The above is obvious, however, you are missing my point. When I grabbed that screenshot I merely forgot to put the 2001se details in it. Kind of like if you have 3x cpu-z's up and you forget to have 1 on memory and instead have 2 of the 3 on the cpu tab and 1 on the motherboard tab. When overclocking one spends a lot of time on his/her submissions. To be taken out just like that for that little reason is a joke. I had a lot of details on that screenshot. Shit, I took up the whole screen. Look for the cheaters, not the opps, I missed that. Again, the guy ahead of me with that stupid stock 2.6 northwood was almost twice as fast as me, "should be the one looked at". This site has pissed me off since I started anyway.. About to pack it up.
  10. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/1087415_christian_ney_3dmark2000_radeon_7500_aiw_8502_marks That is not a ATI AIW in his picture Proof one makes a mistake once in awhile, now the score I had I will be unable to achieve again because the items have been used for a friends build and also sold. All I did is forget details on a 3dmark01 se submission but yet I included the planet and all. Here it is http://hwbot.org/submission/2183762_dect6.0_3dmark2001_se_rage_128_pro_agp4x_817_marks Not gonna cheat on 1.5 points especially when this is the one I complained about some dude beating me with a northwood processor ^^^^ post is not far below this one.....
  11. Well, I just threw in my Abit IC7 board, fresh XP install, same drivers, same programs. Stock P 4 @ 2.8 w/ht and set my ati card to 172/172 and got a score of 835. So I have no clue whats going on. So just delete the above.... I give up
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