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ryba AICooling

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Everything posted by ryba AICooling

  1. I'm not joking, If ASUS still act as a DICK, they can take a 1st place (if I make it) from me this year like in 2008 and now everything is looking the same. Or maybe next ASUS worker will cheat, becouse someone don't want let me win (LOC 2010)? For now I'm 100% not joking. I see just nothing changed in this company.
  2. XA have own partner with mixed country (even if it's now against official rules in this year). If Asus want mix us in rooms - F you all. Now I just don't care about this event. So have fun there without me.
  3. Till when true = ass hole? Sorry man, but feed trolls if you like it.
  4. you can stick your trollo rod into ass, should fit.
  5. Then you will recive recipe for extra night in other hotel. Sorry slamms but who are you? Kid or organizator? So at least be in lines in this topic.
  6. Do you wanna a little bit more truth at HWBot than a lot BS from few idiots? Sure, why not, but NO ONE will like it.
  7. thx god!
  8. Well, it's up to you, if you like going always male/male team, sure, nights are hot for you
  9. ok guys, so you know better who and how many gf I have good to know.
  10. zombie with lightning pwm becouse: - controler datasheet is on NDA so can't show vmods and how it's working - my fucking time is so expensive that I will count this zombie to folder "don't share" - too much work to just trow it away to internet for free. Yeah, and word "free" is ambing, becouse all of us pay to make free advertisement for MSI/MOA. So how to show something on movie if I can't? That whole competitions from year to a year are going into worse direction. Now everything is how much you paid, how much you earn, why I'm living in Brazil, why cat don't love me. Where da fak is the whole spirit? Once in 2009 MSI was checking me for few hours, becouse some one couldn't stand that I have better scores than Hipro... never again.
  11. So tell me how to show NDA stuff on validation movie?
  12. so how I can show a zombie, as a vmod, when I have NDA on me becouse of NDA of controlers and my own time what I spend to make it - just share with all to have it for free? Some one is really sick to make that rules. Or maybe add that you need show invoice with MSI Titan? Asus in AOOC didn't give a shit what you bought/what you used, just show in GPU-z it's reference/Asus and it's ok.
  13. Video is not changing anything and it's becoming sick. So I say no.
  14. Becouse of my new company, soon you will know why.
  15. No cam, no web cam, no money to buy it and I can't arrange it for free from some one. So I say no.
  16. Still the question is: how me will know that some one don't use Epower? Or only we can't show it at picture?
  17. eeee, for what? Killing that kind of card don't make you happy
  18. Try to make a zombie with Lightning I can make you sure that it's more ridiculous than rules
  19. But only new scores or old are in as well?
  20. Ban Epower - then ban users who used it in 1st round.
  21. man, it will be simpler when we just say to fuck overclocking and we make lucky draw for 3 tickets for 15 ppl. It's still 20% of chance to win.
  22. I want change my nick name at hwbot and forum, where I need to write a PM to change it?
  23. Sooner or later it must be done.
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