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Everything posted by hidde663

  1. ill try, 360MHz for the country cup, 2133 ddr4 doesnt scale past 2800~ on Z170-k. lekker bezig
  2. other pic: https://imgur.com/a/psx6Z33
  3. I just can't do i m8, even @ 1.375v, 8235 was my max @1.275v, I'll stay 2nd :)
  4. might be able to hit 1460 on the core @1.3v for 8300, some other day perhaps
  5. recalc score m8, you didnt get credited 1st spot nor any hwpoits
  6. 4459 points higher than me on raymarch or 4766/307=15.524 times more with the same card, must have been a nice artefact party haha 310fps where i got ~20 xD
  7. Ima attempt to beat this one, 7736 --> 8274 is quite a bump tho, but new bios, new chances (wish me luck :D)
  8. Are those 2 1080Ti's? 3200MHZ ram @ 2400MHz, am i missing something? submitted where you can only use 1 card...
  9. Who needs 1600MHz, when you can do it @1400 :)
  10. Compared to the delly's score, based on the 2 extra core's and clock speed in this CPU bound bench, RAUF should have gotten a score of around: ((100+(7250-6300)/6300*100)/6*8)*1449488= 22240698 points, not taking into consideration the memory
  11. powerdraw is around 280watt@1.25v >.< custom bios FCLK 1.5GHz using 1425 mem-straps@1960, VRM is hitting 112C at the end of the run, start trottling at 115C
  12. Gratz! I hit 1500@1.25v, need to fix my VRM cooling, was hitting 112C at the end of the bench.
  13. For my rx 570 1540MHz @1.312v, memory at stock volts, with 1425 timings
  14. 1 point, are you kidding, fk it im going for 2nd place 5GHz 6600k
  15. you'll probably get the same score with a gtx 1050, in this 90% CPU bound benchmark. just look at minicoopers cpu, a 6700k@6.2GHz but yeah, comparing score to core-clock its efficient
  16. The RGB is tastefull for some reason, nice case :)
  17. I didnt feel like starting a new topic over such a small bug/issue, so thats why i post it here... Since when an enthusiast supposed to be in a novice team? http://hwbot.org/user/cheesehunter/ no offense to cheesehunter btw. also this is the only member i found in such a situation.(checked about 20 other novice teams)
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