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Everything posted by saint19

  1. As all we thought, the guys with LN2 will win this contest, I think that people with air cooler and H2O don't have opportunity , even that I did my overclock the 1st days and I will try to add another one with H2O before the contest close. I hope be a lucky guy to win one of those mobos.
  2. Hi Massman, I'm trying to upload the verification screen of SuperPI but the system doesn't load the picture. Can you help me? EDIT: Nevermind, I delete and re-post and now everything is OK.
  3. I did two submission, obviously aren't the best and the guys with LN2 and Phase change will take the 1st place soon, I hope have the enough points to win one of those mobos
  4. With new scores, do you mean to scores do it on Januray 1st? or we can add a score did it on 31st December or 30th December.
  5. Check this: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13462 I think than can help you to solve the problem.
  6. Thanks. I mean to change the clock in the GPU BIOS to always run at that speed, Is that possible? or i'm violating some rule. I'll try more overclock tonigh and see how far I can go with my old GPU
  7. Awesomw results guys, I'm starting on this and I only can use Air or H2O (custom LCS). I hope someday can join to the hard overclockers and use dice, phase change and all those coolers methods to get amazing scores
  8. OK, this was the results with CPU a little overclocked and GPU at stock clocks. http://hwbot.org/community/submission/1093551_saint19_3dmark_99_max_geforce_gtx_260_42906_marks What do you think? If I use nivitor to change the GPU clocks, Is that permitted? or is a rule violation.
  9. I need wait until January 10, Why only core clock for AMD?
  10. Thanks, I will try tonight and comeback with the results. P.D. Sorry for my bad English, it's not my 1st language.
  11. Thanks, I will try tonight and let you know the results. One more question, I'm running 3DMark 2000 on Win 2000 compatibility, Do i need similar process? or it's fine as I did.
  12. Do you mean to drag and drop the .dll file in the 3DMark 99 installation folder, right?
  13. Hi guys. I installed Win XP x86, but now 3DMark 99 refuses to run, the process is running in the task manager but the program don't load. What I did wrong? Do i need something more to run it? On wind 7 runs with 98/ME compatibility, but that configuration doesn't work on Win XP.
  14. This looks good, I can't wait to enter. I think that this is a good opportunity to me for enter in a contest that doesn't need high end components
  15. 1- Thanks, my current GPU don't support DX11,so, 3DMark 2011 isn't an option for me until I get a new GPU. 2- Thanks again. Another question. I want run Unigine Heaven - Basic Preset (DX9) (like I say, my GPU don't support DX11), How can I know that the benchmark is using the correct DX version? or the system select it automatically.
  16. Hi guys. I have two question that has keep mine mind a little busy. 1- In the rules, more specific in the "What do we consider as illegal tweaks (instant block)", says "PhysX enabled drivers". Does that rule apply to all benchmarks? or just to an specific benchmark like 3DMark Vantage. 2- Can I disable cores of my CPU to run a benchmarks like SuperPI 32M for more that 12 hours? Thanks for your help guys.
  17. AMD power, 7.199GHz with only 1.412V. I want see an i7 do the same
  18. Wow, Rbuass and e-killer, good Latin American representatives on MOA 2011.
  19. Yeah. Sorry Massman I read another thread where you explain that. A 980x or 1090T with 2 or 4 cores disables is still a six core. Thanks for the reply anyway. I will try to do the best that I can with my 1090T and Hyper 212+
  20. Hi guys. Massman, a quick question. Why isn't permitted use 2 or 4 cores of a six core, but use an unlock quad core is permitted? I don't want create problems about that, it's just curiosity
  21. I ran LinX for 1 hour and 15 minutes without problems @ 3.8GHz.
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