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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. Lol, SteveRo only sell some acards Imog i think will buy new:) Mr. Leeghoft, i allready said i will delete if disallowed sector change;) And gluvos result is now fixed;)
  2. That sounds nice:) only forbid sector size change. Completly ban RST and raid expert is an bad idea not anybody has an raid card;) So non areca benchers must have a chance too, agree: ) @Leeghoft, please link submits you do not agree we can discuss it my friend, no problem;)
  3. Thanks Steve For now i let my AMD scores in, but when sector size change will be disallowed with raid expert, then pretty shure i will delete them;)
  4. What exactly do you mean? Wich scores? Explain it;) You cant stop all from benching it If you mean 9G VS, i allready said i will delete them when finally decission is done.
  5. Jep RST is a little bit faster than expert Tool so its normal legal same as RST;) only sector size is the Problem.
  6. Every time i look submits, you have an new Server in your fingers Lol, well done!
  7. Because ramcaching software you can change the mem it used. And its 10 times faster than RST or Raid Expert;)
  8. Jep RST and raid expert both are ramcaching. Only the sector size is Problem with raid expert that makes pcm05 bugged.
  9. You cant set the memory wich RAID expert used. Problem is the sector size with this Tool.
  10. Have not looked at exactly usage, but no matter if 2,4 or more System memory.With right settings and Hdd sector size you get 9G VS+ no matter wich CPU;) gen usage is allost the same between 600-700. I vote for ban hdd sector size, getting back this bug to the Land of Rocks
  11. I also have an pot here for CPU and GPU, muha: ) Lets stay a while on Insider cooling, agree?LN2 later when all is clearly?
  12. Fully agree, Cluster size leave at Windows standart of 512kb That would be fair against intel. Completly forbit these Softwares isnt an good idea, beginners want to creat there raid with onboard so these softwares should be legit;) Only disallow Cluster Size change would an great deal Finally hopefully there will be an good decission about this Tool, nice You know, i started twice writing about that, and each time i was stopped...
  13. Fully agree, Intel allow Driver based no change of Cluster Size and no Caching options. AMD Raid expert allowes both in Driver, so there is for me an huge difference. With RST you cant score 650 gen usage and 9G VS, on AMD you can change these settings to trick PCM to believe it runs faster...
  14. Same like AMD Raid expert;) only Intel is not that hard like AMD, lol
  15. If banned them, i will ban my scores based on it, be shure no problem;)
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