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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. You are allready in the visitor list Roman:D You can cool down yourself with LN2:p
  2. -Turrican -Massman of course -obscure Hardware only Knut has:D -der8auer for Pots and all stuff need:) -PCMark 05:p -Brazil
  3. Its getting cold again at Freeocen:D Every year we meet us, to celebrate the next Year of our Forum, and do an Benchsession for this:) Its time, to meet again all Teammembers and some old and new Friends of other Forums :banana: This year our Meeting is from 21. June till 23. June, the Place will be 69190 Walldorf near Karlsruhe. We rent a big room for this, where a lot of Benchers have place to bench and sleep(if needed) 800l of liquid nidrogen wait for us, to play with it:nana: Also we have a lot of Beer and water for all benchers, so nobody must die through the actually heat:D Also we will have Breakfast for 2 Days for all:) active Benchers: Sn@ke moose83 Dernettemann DrOwnz Jumper0 Bullshooter C43Z42 DopeLex Dancop Visitors: Lord_Darkstar Colonia locomat DopeLex's wife der8auer Hopefully this will be an great event with lot of WRs:banana:
  4. I stopped talking with him...Next find, actually use of ES Samples in XOC... http://www.hwbot.org/user/zz_top/ All Operons are actually generation, and he use ES Samples:D
  5. Its hard to say how to fix it. The question is, at which point it counts as sponsoring. Getting 1 or 2 Maonboards per year i think isnt sponsoring, but getting 20+ Chips to bin, or free High End cards, then it is sponsoring;)
  6. Shure it will make an difference... Please do whinning and bunnying in your own threat, thanks:D
  7. Dont be so shure, i have no 3d overbunnybirding expierience^^ And this is no PCM05 and bunnying threat mate;)
  8. And thats the Point Roman. If someone gets Titan, 7990 for free, he pretty shure improve his ranking a lot;)
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