I think some people have more front than sainsbury's commenting on this topic - especially when you look at the scores people have achieved, which quite frankly are cheats, but somehow got passed right under the noses of the mods.
Anyhoo - I love this benchmark, I hate the cheaters and especially the hypocritical ones.
I sincerely hope we keep this test and that the rules become tighter than a ducks arse - and that (as a big a job as it may be) the mods take the time to strip people of any cheated score they have, although if you do that you might find the same names rolling over and over, then you have to ask if that type of person deserves to be here at all.
Moderating this site must be tons of work for you guys, I know people may not always agree with what you say or do (rev4 being the thing I disagree with most) - but you have my respect for doing what you do.