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  1. I think it's great to separate the pro's away from everyone else - after all how many people can afford to keep buying a certain CPU or GPU until they have found a golden nugget sample?
  2. I think some people have more front than sainsbury's commenting on this topic - especially when you look at the scores people have achieved, which quite frankly are cheats, but somehow got passed right under the noses of the mods. Anyhoo - I love this benchmark, I hate the cheaters and especially the hypocritical ones. I sincerely hope we keep this test and that the rules become tighter than a ducks arse - and that (as a big a job as it may be) the mods take the time to strip people of any cheated score they have, although if you do that you might find the same names rolling over and over, then you have to ask if that type of person deserves to be here at all. Moderating this site must be tons of work for you guys, I know people may not always agree with what you say or do (rev4 being the thing I disagree with most) - but you have my respect for doing what you do.
  3. Look this is a no brainer for me - it's clear that things as they are seems to serve the community the best - any deviations from the current set-up is gonne upset some people, lots of people if I am honest. Thing is with HWBOT it's a central database for overclockers and their associated teams. I see a lot of communication all over the community from lots of members, new and old, who can't help but feel that these changes serve a different agenda to that of serving the community. I would suggest that the current proposals could in fact cause a mass exodus/boycott on a scale never seen before - maybe time to re-assess the proposals and maybe do a 'voice of the customer' which would enable you to make V4 somehting that the community want rather than give them something they are going to get, but not like. One missing option here to vote on is 'keep it as it is' - I'd like to see how many people vote for that.
  4. Thanks massman - I totally appreciate your point of view in both repsects and share simlar views on bioth aspects of the evolution of pro-benching versus commited hobbiest. I am sure that these guys would/do still bench if not for these events - which is why I think Event league tables would be a great idea.... also think of the commercial benefits for HWBOT by doing them This way, we can all aspire to be as good as the pro's and compare our results to theirs, without actually seeing them in the same league which can be all too deflating.
  5. I could not agree more - even though my best benching days are behind me, the commercialisation of the scene is a real spoiler - imho such events should not be entered into HWBOT, merely placed in a chamionship league table all of it's own. We cant disregard the scores achieved, but do these events with cherry picked products really have to be entered with the rest of us 'regular' guys? Do such score's really need to be here at all? Surely all these marketing bods at these big companies can create tehir own league table of sponsored events - or maybe there is a commercial opportunity for HWBOT to create one for them, leaving the 'hobbiests' a place to compete fair and square?
  6. I agree with rich here. Just to say that it was not brought up as an issue before - does not mean it's not an issue and yes 7950GX2 should be added to the list of hyrbid SLI or multi GPU graphics cards. # of GPU's on board is the only way to score this fairly
  7. I have watched this post with interest as it is an interesting debate with good discussion points on both sides. I have to say that the only way 2gpu's should ever be considered single performance is if they were on one die (dual core but single GPU) and if there were two of them then it would be SLI or multi gpu - as this would be a evolutional path of GPU's in the same way as dual/quad core cpus have progressed. To me its simple: The HWBOT system should be based on the number of GPU's, not how many slots are used. OR The current technologies found in x2 and GX2 graphics cards are all multi GPU solutions with a SLI/Crossfire chipset installed (not built into the GPU's) - therefore, at best (given that they still have to split x16 PCI-E Slot into two 8x slots which may be hit performance) they should be considered as 'hybrid' SLI/Crossfire set-ups. Slightly off topic - looking at the scores the new generation of X2 and GX2 GPU's bring, all the hype around how important it was to go from x8 to x16 PCI-E for bandwidth issues was a total crock.
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