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  1. Thank you.
  2. Hi guys Can you add Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MAG X570 TOMAHAWK WIFI (MS-7C84) Tanks
  3. Yes they are, I'm working on that, for now I just removed points achieved., soon submission will be edited with good run results. I now how hard is to get good results, and I respect the work of others. I was not present in the run moment, and when I arrived the computer was ok every thing seamed normal, and I published, only when I saw the 1st position I realize that something was wrong. Don't worry will be fixed in a couple of minutes. Be well.... Edit: I can not resubmit seams it is blocked or deleted.
  4. Hi, thank you. Yes, I am having a lot of fun, mixed with some frustration in some bench's, but at the end is all about fun. Gpu clock wise I am facing a wall @1300 for 3D benchs, temperature limitation I guess with Stock cooling, can give +1.4v to it but no improvements. Be well...
  5. My dual is plus 4K http://hwbot.org/submission/2522318_ageom_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_2x_radeon_hd_6950_4347.42_dx11_marks I`m trying uploading a video, don`t know if a can, 800MB file to youtube 1067 minutes remaining. Edit: After reciving feedback from the creator`s tool, the Enhanced is not allowed for HWBot submissions, the results will be removed. Thanks to all.
  6. It`s OK, no hart feelings taken. You do what do you think you should do. I`m aware of the strangeness of the result, but is a tweaked result not a raw power or even less a bugged one. Have hundreds submissions never submitted a bugged result. I do overclocking for fun. Be well Edit: This is the best I can do, with this system, Phenom II 965BE @3700, ATI HD7870@1100/1600, forced resolution 1080P by Catalyst CP (native res. supported is 1360x768), can clock higher with fans@full but this is my bedroom PC, wife and baby sleeping. http://hwbot.org/submission/2525423_ageom_unigine_heaven___xtreme_preset_radeon_hd_7870_(pitcairn_core)_2950.52_dx11_marks
  7. Hi I was moved to Xtreme OC without any Xtreme cooling used. I only have Air and H2O cooling systems. Please check. Thanks. Edit: I just realized that I had 2 submissions with wrong cooling settings, already edited to set it correctly.
  8. Congratulations to winner, and all you guys. Chew* well done. Be well
  9. Hi I voted for split. To my POV, sponsored OCers sould be carring (mandadory) the sponsor "flag". Pro Teams should be created. No points share with mainstream Teams. Sponsor: all companies from Industry, be manufactures, retailers or web based, etc. Just my tought. Be well
  10. You can use the one with strongest IMC, if is the case of the Athlon II, just disable one core in BIOS, and bench it.
  11. Thanks, I was not feeling well last days (cold), had abused from house fans blooing air in front of me. Still recovering. All the best.
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